This course provides the best approach to learn Rust, starting from the basics and advancing to complex topics. It is an introduction to Rust for beginners aspiring to become skilled Rust developers.
95 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
This course provides the best approach to learn Rust, starting from the basics and advancing to complex topics. It is an introduction to Rust for beginners aspiring to become skilled Rust developers.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
The word is out: developers love Rust. It's rapidly becoming a top choice for systems and embedded programmers, and the demand for Rust developers is rising. Known for its performance, reliability, and productivity—especially compared to C++—Rust is a powerful language to master. If you're a systems developer, it's a fantastic next step. In this course, you'll learn Rust by actively engaging in coding. You’ll start with a simple "Hello world" program and cover essential concepts like arrays, strings, vector...Show More
Programming Language
Learn To Code
What You'll Learn
A strong foundation in Rust programming concepts and techniques
Proficiency in Rust through hands-on coding, starting from basic programs and advancing to more complex structures
Problem-solving skills and an understanding of key features like data types, operators, vectors, and functions in Rust
Practical experience with advanced topics such as lifetime and memory management
Confidence as a Rust developer by tackling real-world coding challenges
A comprehensive introduction to Rust for beginners, preparing you for a career in systems programming
What You'll Learn
A strong foundation in Rust programming concepts and techniques
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Course Content
Introduction to Rust
Rust Programs
Rust Variables
Rust Data Types
Rust Operators
Rust if and if let Expressions
9 Lessons
Rust Loops
13 Lessons
Rust Functions
14 Lessons
Rust Strings
8 Lessons
Rust Vectors
6 Lessons
Rust Structs
7 Lessons
2 Lessons
Rust Exam
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Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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