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5 tips to help tech teams upskill and adapt to AI

Areeba Haider
Apr 15, 2024
5 min read
Establish a culture of continuous learning
Develop a detailed strategy for AI and upskilling
Offer technical certifications in AI
Communicate the need for AI
Discuss the benefits of AI
Final word

Artificial intelligence (AI) and human skills are a lethal combination necessary for innovation and efficiency. Tasks that formerly required analyzing large amounts of data, speed, and high accuracy can now be automated to deliver quick results. Tech teams can use AI to improve project timelines and product development, which significantly improves tech workflows. Moreover, routine tasks like bug tracking, code analysis, and generating test data can also be automated with AI, which has allowed tech team members to focus on strategic tasks. While upskilling for new programming languages and development frameworks is essential, tech teams’ ability to effectively incorporate AI into their work for creative problem-solving and innovation has become pivotal for tech teams. 

Here are five tips that L&D teams can use to help their tech teams upskill and adapt to AI:

  • Establish a culture of continuous learning

  • Develop a detailed strategy for AI and upskilling

  • Offer technical certifications in AI

  • Communicate the need for AI

  • Discuss the benefits of AI

Establish a culture of continuous learning

Organizations with a skilled and flexible workforce ready to use trending software development technologies are always at the forefront of innovation. So, a key competitive advantage for an organization lies in its ability to encourage ongoing learning and adaptability among its staff. Internal training programs serve two main purposes. It increases business productivity and innovation by enabling employees to contribute more effectively and improves employee morale and loyalty. L&D teams must introduce AI in their upskilling programs because it allows tech teams to automate routine tasks, which significantly boosts efficiency and overall productivity. When L&D teams incorporate AI into tech team operations, it promotes a work environment that values continuous learning, efficiency, and employee well-being. Moreover, it is generally more practical and effective to train existing staff than to hire new talent in a competitive job market because it saves resources, time, and effort in hiring and training new talent. 

Develop a detailed strategy for AI and upskilling

The advent of AI in the tech industry represents significant progress, set to change how we work. More and more organizations are adopting AI because it provides employees with advanced tools and insights, offering personalized recommendations, predicting trends, and identifying areas of opportunity. However, for a successful implementation of AI in the workplace, there needs to be a properly structured strategy that covers all aspects of the company. When implemented properly, AI acts as a catalyst for tech teams’ growth by handing them the resources and time to improve work efficiency and accelerate their progress and impact within the company. As employees advance and succeed in their roles, the organization benefits from a more engaged, motivated, and skilled workforce.

Offer technical certifications in AI

Another effective tip for L&D teams is to offer technical certifications in AI that cover both the theory and practical uses of AI. This will help tech teams upskill and adapt to AI advancements. Tech leaders should develop a detailed learning plan focused on AI and related technologies and encourage tech teams to take online courses, such as Generative AI: From Theory to Product Launch offered at DevPath. Hands-on learning activities like projects and hackathons are also important for applying theoretical knowledge and fostering problem-solving skills. This effort ensures the team remains updated with technological advancements and equipped with the skills and mindset to make use of AI effectively.

Generative AI: From Theory to Product Launch

Generative AI: From Theory to Product Launch

Generative AI (GenAI) is an exciting new frontier of technology that opens up seemingly endless creative possibilities. This course provides a glimpse of generative models’ capability by showcasing some of their most impressive applications. It will empower you to leverage GenAI and large language models (LLMs) like DALL·E and GPT-2. You’ll learn about the evolution of machine translation systems, from the early 1950s to the current state-of-the-art generative models. You’ll learn about the building blocks of Transformer networks, including CNNs, RNNs, etc. This will be supplemented by an overview of the components of a GenAI system. Next, you’ll learn about transformer models and their variations: Vision Transformers (ViT) and multimodal transformers. You’ll explore the state-of-the-art models for text, image, and video generation models through the practical exercises. You’ll dive deep into the impact of GenAI across fields and industries, fueling the development and launch of GenAI-based products.

6 Playgrounds
17 Illustrations

Communicate the need for AI

There have been mixed feelings about AI among tech teams. With the fear of losing their jobs to AI looming over their head, it is no surprise that tech teams are skeptical about introducing AI in the workplace. It’s important to address tech teams’ concerns to ease the transition to AI. L&D teams must ensure that their tech teams understand that AI excels in automating tasks like data entry, scheduling, and other administrative duties, which makes operations more efficient. By reducing human error, AI frees tech teams to concentrate on more important aspects such as innovation, strategic thinking, and personal development. This approach dissipates the fear attached to the introduction of AI. It addresses the need for AI within organizations and also makes jobs more satisfying for tech teams because they get to work on more meaningful tasks. 

Discuss the benefits of AI

L&D teams must recognize that some employees may adapt to AI more quickly than others. For this reason, it is vital to create an environment where employees feel safe to voice concerns. Efforts should be made to clarify AI’s benefits so that tech teams view it as a helpful tool rather than a threat. L&D teams should discuss with tech teams that the goal of integrating AI in the workplace is to enhance human capabilities, ease repetitive administrative tasks that often take up much of their time, and shift focus to more engaging and impactful tasks that utilize individual skills and creativity. Discussions should also involve talks on how AI can be tailored to enhance the team’s projects, streamline workflows, and solve complex challenges. Teams can focus their learning on relevant AI technologies and frameworks by identifying areas where AI can make the most impact, such as data analysis, predictive modeling, or routine administrative tasks. By handling this transition with empathy, support, and clear communication, L&D teams can promote a culture of innovation can be built, preparing everyone to succeed in an AI-augmented future.

Final word

To navigate through tech advancements, organizations need to focus on upskilling through AI to enhance the skills of tech teams, prepare them for potential technical challenges, and also create a work culture that values innovation. L&D teams must encourage an open dialogue about the practical applications of AI in their daily work to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of AI abilities. Additionally, offering clear examples of successful AI integration within the industry can inspire teams and provide a road map for their development efforts. 


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