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What does a software engineering manager do?

Areeba Haider
Jan 05, 2024
4 min read
Who is a software engineering manager?
Software engineering manager skills
Technical proficiency
Effective communication
Software engineering manager responsibilities
Technical oversight
Team leadership
Project management
Stakeholder communication
Software engineering manager challenges
Dealing with team conflicts 
Embracing technological advancements
Balancing multiple responsibilities
Tips for effective software engineering managers
Final word

Who is a software engineering manager?

A software engineering manager is a leader responsible for directing teams of software engineers. For those who have dedicated multiple years to gaining experience as a software engineer, a managerial position is naturally the next step on the career ladder. Not only are software engineering managers equipped with technical skills, but they also possess a plethora of soft skills that enable them to mentor other software engineers.

Software engineering manager skills

Some of the required skills for a software engineering manager are as follows:

  • Technical proficiency

  • Effective communication

  • Decision-making

  • Problem-solving

Technical proficiency

It’s important for software engineering managers to understand the technical aspects of the project, including the implications of technical debt. They need to ensure that the necessary steps are followed, that the required resources are available and that any potential roadblocks are addressed beforehand in order to streamline the software development process.

Effective communication

Managers serve as a communication bridge between the members of the team and the stakeholders. Within the team, managers make sure that every software engineer is on the same page with the project requirements. Similarly, managers also need to update stakeholders on the progress of the software development.


A software engineering manager makes important decisions that not only impact the dev teams under their supervision but also the company at large. The outcomes of their decisions play a crucial role in paving the way for a project’s success. Hence, managers need to utilize their technical insights in order to make decisions that align with organizational objectives and produce the best results.


Whether it is software bottlenecks or a fallout between software developers, the life of a software engineering manager revolves around solving problems from one end to another. A manager needs to be upfront with viable solutions in order to maintain the efficiency of product development.

Software engineering manager responsibilities

Software engineering managers are in charge of maintaining the productivity and efficiency of their teams. As a result, software engineering managers have a variety of responsibilities, namely the following:

  • Technical oversight

  • Team leadership

  • Project management

  • Stakeholder communication

Technical oversight

Software engineering managers focus on managing the technical aspects of engineering projects. This involves routinely conducting tests and writing evaluations of software products in order to check their quality — and then strategizing a framework for future steps in reference to the results. The goal is to meet the already defined standards and guarantee greater efficiency.

Team leadership

Managers are entrusted with the responsibility of directing the team toward achieving organizational goals. Fostering a collaborative culture across the team is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment. Software engineering managers make sure that everyone is aligned with shared goals and that team members are able to freely share their ideas as well as suggest solutions for challenges.

Project management

Overseeing engineering teams comes with the responsibility of planning, executing, and completing multiple projects at the same time. Maintaining a comprehensive watch over all the intricate details of the projects, addressing any obstacles that may arise, and then navigating toward project completion requires the expert oversight of a software engineering manager.

Stakeholder communication

A software engineering manager bridges the communication gap between the engineering team and the stakeholders. They convey both technical and non-technical information about the projects to upper management, product teams, and clients, while simultaneously taking note of the stakeholders’ demands so that product development improves.

Software engineering manager challenges

Software engineering managers face a number of challenges on a daily basis. Gaining an understanding of the challenges helps managers better navigate their tasks. The following are some of the challenges that software engineering managers may face:

  • Dealing with team conflicts

  • Embracing technological advancements

  • Balancing multiple responsibilities

Dealing with team conflicts 

In any team, it’s very common for differences in opinions or workstyles to arise and conflict. Software engineering managers need to steer through these personal dynamics by addressing disagreements in a constructive manner that maintains a harmonious work environment.

Embracing technological advancements

New technologies develop every day, along with new product upgrades to improve user experience. In order to stay ahead of the game, managers need to stay up-to-date with technological advancements so that they can strategize their product development mirroring the changes happening in the technological landscape.

Balancing multiple responsibilities

From managing projects across different domains to collaborating with teams and stakeholders, software engineering managers have a lot of responsibilities resting on their shoulders. This is why it’s important that they are able to balance multiple responsibilities at once.

Tips for effective software engineering managers

As the saying goes, 

“Good managers aren’t born, they’re made.”

Indeed, people aren’t inherently born with the right set of skills to become good managers — rather, there are tips that software engineering managers can adopt to become better at their role. We have crafted a list of tips for effective software managers:

  • Empower your team

  • Promote collaboration

  • Cultivate open communication

  • Resolve conflicts right when they arise

  • Set clear expectations and delegate wisely

  • Foster a culture of continuous learning

  • Address technical debt on time

Final word

Drawing on their technical knowledge and experience, software engineering managers utilize their people skills to guide teams of engineers through technical projects. By honing skills such as decision-making and problem-solving, these managers can effectively communicate with both the software engineering teams and stakeholders.


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