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How to create a Work Breakdown Structure template

Areeba Haider
3 min read
What is a Work Breakdown Structure? 
Types of Work Breakdown Structure
Deliverable-based WBS
Phase-based WBS
Work Breakdown Structure template
Work Breakdown Structure benefits
Final word

What is a Work Breakdown Structure? 

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a project management tool that helps dev teams better manage their tasks. By breaking down large projects into smaller and more manageable tasks, it becomes easier to view each task in more detail. WBS creates a visual representation that displays all the elements of the project in a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical arrangement clearly defines the full scope of the project and the way it’s organized. With every step down the structure, the details of the project become more specific. In this manner, project managers can assign tasks that are more suited to the skills of specific team members. WBS also gives project managers a better idea of how to manage the budget and efficiently allocate resources.

Types of Work Breakdown Structure

Depending on the nature of the project and the preferences of the project manager, WBS offers two ways to organize tasks. The two types of WBS are as follows:

  1. Deliverable-based WBS

  2. Phase-based WBS

Deliverable-based WBS

The focus of deliverable-based WBS rests on the outcomes of the project. Project managers divide the project into its main deliverables. These are further broken down into separate tasks, with each task containing detailed specifics. This structure organizes all the project’s components into clearly defined tasks, which helps project managers allocate resources effectively and keep better track of the project’s progress.

Phase-based WBS

In this type of WBS, project managers divide the project chronologically into its lifecycle stages. From initiation to execution, the tasks under each phase are clearly defined across a set timeline. This structure helps project managers in tracking the project’s progress across organizational objectives. A general phase-based WBS includes the following stages:

  1. Planning

  2. Design

  3. Development

  4. Testing

  5. Deployment

Work Breakdown Structure template

The organized framework of WBS comprises specific components that provide a structured approach to managing and executing projects efficiently. The main components of WBS template are as follows:

  • Project scope: This is the document that sets the foundation of the project by outlining the project objectives and how the project will be monitored and executed.

  • Acceptance criteria: These are the set standards, such as KPIs, against which the progress of the project will be measured.

  • Budget: This is the estimated cost of the project depending on the type of WBS employed.

  • Deliverables: These are the outcomes, tangible or intangible, that result from the completion of the project.

  • Milestones: These are the key stages that indicate the progress of the projects.

Work Breakdown Structure benefits

WBS offers numerous benefits to better manage large projects. The following are some of the benefits:

A clear understanding of the project scope: Using WBS, project managers divide the project into smaller parts, which helps the dev teams to better understand the flow of the project. This also ensures that no unnecessary tasks are added to the developers’ lists of already-assigned tasks.

Better resource utilization: With WBS, project managers will have a better idea of what tools to provide to the team and what tasks will be better suited to which team members depending on their unique skills.

Improved time management: As tasks are arranged in chronological order, project managers can see which tasks will come first and how long each task will take. With achievable and set deadlines, WBS helps project managers in planning and avoiding delays in the completion of their projects.

Task delegation: By employing WBS when dealing with large projects, project managers list out every task in detail, which provides clarity when assigning tasks to different team members based on their skills. This ensures that there are no overlaps or confusion in the team members’ responsibilities.

Final word

WBS is a vital tool for project management. By listing out every task in detail, WBS clarifies the scope of the project, making it easy for project managers to estimate the costs and allocate resources accordingly. Unlike other project management tools, WBS focuses on understanding the parts of the project rather than strategic planning the entire project.


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