PHP for the Web: Learn PHP without a Framework

Gain insights into modern PHP by delving into POST requests, forms, sessions, and redirects to build a CRUD app with authentication, focusing on pure PHP without frameworks.


92 Lessons

17h 15min

Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into modern PHP by delving into POST requests, forms, sessions, and redirects to build a CRUD app with authentication, focusing on pure PHP without frameworks.


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Code Feedback

This course includes

91 Playgrounds
12 Quizzes

This course includes

91 Playgrounds
12 Quizzes

Course Overview

PHP for the Web is a terrific introduction on how to use modern PHP effectively. While there is a lot of material out there about building applications with PHP, most of them focus on using a framework like Laravel or Symfony. By working with pure PHP, you will be able to focus on the core ideas instead of how a particular framework implements them. In this course, you will learn how to use multiple web technologies like POST requests, forms, sessions, and redirects to build a CRUD application with an auth...Show More

Course Content


Getting Started

Learn how to use foundational PHP skills and practical web development techniques.

Serving Resources

Get started with serving HTML files, adding favicons, securing directories, and monitoring server communication.

Serving PHP Scripts

Master the steps to serve dynamic content, pass values, and ensure PHP script security.


Break down complex ideas to enhance form handling, security, and POST/GET data submissions in PHP.


Solve problems in setting and utilizing PHP cookies for user personalization and state maintenance.


5 Lessons

Simplify complex topics like session handling, storage, and flash messaging in PHP for secure user data management.


7 Lessons

Build on authenticating users, creating secret pages, setting up login forms, and managing sessions.

PHP Project Structure

12 Lessons

Learn how to structure PHP projects with reusable snippets, routing, and task management.

CRUD Part 1: Create

8 Lessons

Walk through creating, validating, and listing data using PHP and JSON storage.

CRUD Part 2: The Rest

8 Lessons

Examine how to edit, delete, and manage tour and task data efficiently.

File Uploads

7 Lessons

Apply your skills to securely upload, process, and display files in a PHP application.

Error Handling

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for effective error handling and configuration in PHP environments.

Automated Testing

10 Lessons

Follow the process of setting up automated tests using PHPUnit and Panther for PHP applications.


1 Lesson

Approach advanced PHP concepts like OOP, frameworks, and automated testing for growth.

Course Author

Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

ML Engineer

Carlos Matias La Borde

Software Developer

Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

Software Developer

Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

DevOps Engineer

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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