Advanced Kubernetes Techniques: Monitoring, Logging, Auto-Scaling

Delve into advanced Kubernetes features like monitoring, alerting, logging, and auto-scaling. Gain insights into creating resilient, self-adaptive clusters and applications with minimal manual intervention.


76 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Delve into advanced Kubernetes features like monitoring, alerting, logging, and auto-scaling. Gain insights into creating resilient, self-adaptive clusters and applications with minimal manual intervention.





This course includes

55 Quizzes
407 Code Snippets

This course includes

55 Quizzes
407 Code Snippets

Course Overview

The world of DevOps has exploded with the help of technologies like Kubernetes and Docker. In this course, you will learn about more advanced Kubernetes features such as monitoring, alerting, logging, and scaling - crucial concepts for any DevOps professional. You will learn how to monitor clusters, how to send alerts when potential issues arise, and how to query the whole system’s metrics and logs. By the end of this course, you will have the required knowledge to make your clusters and applications tru...Show More

Course Content


Before Getting Started

Get familiar with advanced Kubernetes techniques, requirements, and tools for enhanced cluster management.

Autoscaling Deployments and StatefulSets

Discover the logic behind Kubernetes autoscaling using HorizontalPodAutoscaler for performance management and resource optimization.

Auto-Scaling Nodes Of A Kubernetes Cluster

Examine auto-scaling nodes for efficient resource use in Kubernetes clusters.

Collecting and Querying Metrics and Sending Alerts

Grasp the fundamentals of Kubernetes monitoring, metrics collection, querying, and alerting.

Debugging Issues Discovered Through Metrics and Alerts

Map out the steps for debugging Kubernetes issues using metrics, alerts, and instrumentation.

Extending HorizontalPodAutoscaler With Custom Metrics

10 Lessons

See how HorizontalPodAutoscaler integrates custom metrics, optimizing dynamic scaling and resource management.

Visualizing Metrics And Alerts

10 Lessons

Practice using Grafana and Prometheus for efficient monitoring and alert systems.

Collecting And Querying Logs

13 Lessons

Get familiar with centralized logging solutions and their integration with Kubernetes clusters.


1 Lesson

Walk through key advanced Kubernetes techniques for scaling, metrics, and logging.

Course Author

Take your Kubernetes skills to the next level, and make yourself more in-demand. Gain the skills to help you excel in any DevOps role.

Path Cover

Learn DevOps for Developers

Master Docker and Kubernetes fast. Gain in-demand DevOps skills like at-scale application deployment, live-updates, and containerization.
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10 Modules

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Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

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Carlos Matias La Borde

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Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

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Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

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Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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