Delve into building front-end web applications with plain JavaScript. Learn by doing, improving your skills through examples, and grasp best practices while creating functional, self-understood projects.
143 Lessons
22h 10min
Certificate of Completion
Delve into building front-end web applications with plain JavaScript. Learn by doing, improving your skills through examples, and grasp best practices while creating functional, self-understood projects.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
This course shows you how to build front-end web applications with plain JavaScript without using any (third-party) framework or library. It follows a "learning by doing" approach, which means that you don't have to read lots of text about the intricacies of JavaScript. Instead, you’ll focus on the essential parts of JavaScript and read only the minimum needed to start coding your first app. Learning from the examples provided in the course can quickly improve your understanding of basic concepts and techn...Show More
What You'll Learn
Learn to build a front-end web app with plain JS.
Understand how to implement associations between model classes without third-party frameworks.
Learn how to build an app with constraint validation and enumeration attributes.
Improve your JS skills by building a complete app.
What You'll Learn
Learn to build a front-end web app with plain JS.
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Course Content
The Foundations of Web Apps
Javascript Fundamentals
Building a Minimal Web App with Plain JS in Seven Steps
Integrity Constraints and Data Validation
Constraint Validation in Plain JS
12 Lessons
7 Lessons
Enumeration Attributes in Plain JS
10 Lessons
Reference Properties and Unidirectional Associations
11 Lessons
Implementing Unidirectional Functional Associations
8 Lessons
Implementing Unidirectional Non-Functional Associations
9 Lessons
Bidirectional Associations
5 Lessons
Implementing Bidirectional Associations
9 Lessons
Subtyping and Inheritance
11 Lessons
Subtyping with Plain JS
12 Lessons
1 Lesson
Course Author
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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