Learn about the Spotify API, explore its endpoints, and discover how to integrate it with Django applications. Gain insights into accessing and using Spotify data programmatically.
22 Lessons
1h 30min
Certificate of Completion
Learn about the Spotify API, explore its endpoints, and discover how to integrate it with Django applications. Gain insights into accessing and using Spotify data programmatically.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
The Spotify API is a simple REST API that allows us to programmatically access data on Spotify using HTTP requests. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about how your favorite artists are performing statistically, what playlists are trending right now and so on, then this course is for you! Not only is this course a quick hands-on guide, it’s also a thorough run-down on how to use the API’s methods for various ends. You’ll learn about the Spotify API’s multiple endpoints and how to call them to get the data...Show More
What You'll Learn
A deep familiarity with the Spotify API and its endpoints.
Hands-on experience leveraging various authorization methods for the Spotify API.
A strong understanding of the available data and retrieval methods using the Spotify API.
The ability to integrate Spotify data into a complete, functional Python application using the Django web framework.
What You'll Learn
A deep familiarity with the Spotify API and its endpoints.
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Course Content
Search Spotify Resources and New Releases
3 Lessons
API Integration in Django
1 Lesson
1 Lesson
2 Lessons
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