Your ultimate guide to algorithms for coding interviews. Master several must-know algorithms, and test your skills with real-world problems from top companies.
132 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Your ultimate guide to algorithms for coding interviews. Master several must-know algorithms, and test your skills with real-world problems from top companies.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
With algorithms being one of the most common themes in coding interviews, having a firm grip on them can be the difference between being hired and not. After completing this comprehensive course, you'll have an in-depth understanding of different algorithm types in Python and be equipped with a simple process for approaching complexity analysis. As you progress, you’ll be exposed to the most important algorithms you'll likely encounter in an interview. You'll work your way through over 50 interactive codin...Show More
Course Content
Algorithmic Paradigms
Asymptotic Analysis
Sorting & Searching
Graph Algorithms
Greedy Algorithms
12 Lessons
Dynamic Programming
25 Lessons
Divide and Conquer
21 Lessons
2 Lessons
Course Author
Part of the Python Interview Prep Path
Ace the Python Coding Interview
7 Modules
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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