Gain insights into Python 3's new syntax, data types, strings, bytes, and iterators through interactive coding samples. Upgrade your Python skills with hands-on, real-time code modifications.
135 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Gain insights into Python 3's new syntax, data types, strings, bytes, and iterators through interactive coding samples. Upgrade your Python skills with hands-on, real-time code modifications.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
Are you ready to take the plunge into Python 3? You might be just getting started with Python or you might be someone who understands Python2 and now wants to upgrade to Python 3. This course is designed to help you achieve your goal faster. Learn about the new syntax, data types, strings, bytes, iterators and much more with interactive coding samples. Execute code using interactive playgrounds, modify the code to see your changes in action and get yourself upgraded to the newest version of Python that is ...Show More
Course Content
Your First Python Program
Native Datatypes
Regular Expressions
Closures & Generators
7 Lessons
Classes & Iterators
7 Lessons
Advanced Iterators
11 Lessons
Unit Testing
7 Lessons
4 Lessons
7 Lessons
9 Lessons
Serializing Python Objects
12 Lessons
HTTP Web Services
8 Lessons
Case Study: Porting chardet to Python 3
7 Lessons
Packaging Python Libraries
12 Lessons
Appendix : Where To Go From Here
3 Lessons
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