Gain insights into TypeScript types, interfaces, classes, generics, and asynchronous programming. Explore Angular, React, Vue for web development, and learn to build web servers using Express and AWS.
212 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Gain insights into TypeScript types, interfaces, classes, generics, and asynchronous programming. Explore Angular, React, Vue for web development, and learn to build web servers using Express and AWS.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
TypeScript and its compiler have been a success story and carved out a solid footprint in the JavaScript development community. You’ll start with exploring the types used in TypeScript and its common features. Next, you’ll learn the object-oriented concepts and capabilities of interfaces, classes, and inheritance. You’ll learn about the generics’ more advanced language feature, advanced type inference using conditional types, type chaining, and type distribution. You’ll also learn asynchronous programming ...Show More
Angular Cli
Vue.js Basics
Using Aws Cloud Services
Rest Api
What You'll Learn
An understanding of common features in TypeScript, object-oriented concepts, generics, and advanced type inferences
An understanding of asynchronous programming concepts, decorators, and strict compiler options
Ability to use observables to transform data in TypeScript and Jest unit testing framework to run end-to-end tests
Build websites with Angular, React, and Vue using TypeScript
Build an application using an Express web server with code running in Node
Ability to use AWS libraries to build and deploy a full REST-based API
What You'll Learn
An understanding of common features in TypeScript, object-oriented concepts, generics, and advanced type inferences
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Course Content
Before Getting Started
Exploring the Type System
Challenge: TypeScript Basics
Interfaces in TypeScript
Classes in TypeScript
8 Lessons
Inheritance in TypeScript
8 Lessons
Modules in TypeScript
4 Lessons
Challenge: Interfaces, Classes, Inheritance, and Modules
2 Lessons
Generics in TypeScript
7 Lessons
Advanced Type Inferences in TypeScript
7 Lessons
Challenge: Generics and Advanced Type Inferences
2 Lessons
Asynchronous Language Features
9 Lessons
7 Lessons
Challenge: Asynchronous Language Features and Decorators
2 Lessons
Integration with JavaScript
8 Lessons
Strict Compiler Options
7 Lessons
Challenge: Strict Compiler Options
2 Lessons
Using Observables to Transform Data
10 Lessons
Challenge: Using Observables to Transform Data
2 Lessons
Test-Driven Development
12 Lessons
Challenge: Test-Driven Development
2 Lessons
15 Lessons
Challenge: Angular
2 Lessons
11 Lessons
Challenge: React
2 Lessons
13 Lessons
Node and Express
10 Lessons
An AWS Serverless API
11 Lessons
Micro Front-Ends
12 Lessons
1 Lesson
Course Author
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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