Bookkeeping with FreshBooks API in JavaScript

Gain insights into FreshBooks API, managing clients, invoices, payments, and expenses programmatically. Learn about API endpoints, access keys, and integrate FreshBooks API in a React application.


17 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into FreshBooks API, managing clients, invoices, payments, and expenses programmatically. Learn about API endpoints, access keys, and integrate FreshBooks API in a React application.





This course includes

32 Playgrounds

This course includes

32 Playgrounds

Course Overview

FreshBooks is a resource management software that provides several accounting services like invoicing and expenses, time tracking, inventory, and client management. FreshBooks also provides an API to manage this data programmatically. In this course, you'll learn about FreshBooks API and its different endpoints. This course is a step-by-step guide to signing up for an account and retrieving access keys. You'll get hands-on experience in performing various tasks using the API. These include managing clients...Show More

What You'll Learn

Familiarity with FreshBooks API and its different endpoints

The ability to create and update primary and secondary clients

An understanding of how to add and manage items using FreshBooks API

The ability to create and manage invoices and payment records

Hands-on experience integrating FreshBooks API in a functioning React application

What You'll Learn

Familiarity with FreshBooks API and its different endpoints

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Course Content



Get familiar with FreshBooks API's functionalities, setup, and initial configuration steps.


Unpack the core of managing clients and secondary contacts using FreshBooks API.


Work your way through managing invoices and items via FreshBooks API endpoints.


Break down complex ideas for managing and customizing expenses using the FreshBooks API.

APIs Integration in React

Take a closer look at integrating FreshBooks APIs in a React app to manage invoices.


1 Lesson

Investigate using FreshBooks API, explore endpoints, and engage with the community.


2 Lessons

Practice using FreshBooks API to regenerate access tokens and manage key request parameters.

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