The Ultimate Guide for SignalR in ASP.NET Core

Delve into real-time web development with SignalR in ASP.NET Core. Gain insights into building interactive applications, configuring SignalR clients, ensuring security, and scaling with Azure SignalR Service.


80 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Delve into real-time web development with SignalR in ASP.NET Core. Gain insights into building interactive applications, configuring SignalR clients, ensuring security, and scaling with Azure SignalR Service.





This course includes

38 Playgrounds
9 Quizzes

This course includes

38 Playgrounds
9 Quizzes

Course Overview

Dive into the world of real-time web development with SignalR in ASP.NET Core through this comprehensive guide. This course will equip you with all the necessary skills to develop interactive applications capable of real-time communication without excessive calls. You'll start by getting to know what SignalR is and how to get it ready for use. Next, you'll learn about different kinds of SignalR clients, like JavaScript, Blazor, WebAssembly, .Net, Java, and even raw WebSocket clients. You'll also learn to s...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of the application of SignalR in creating interactive web applications

The ability to set up and manage a variety of SignalR clients

The skills to enforce secure communication protocols using SignalR

Working knowledge of scaling SignalR hubs in diverse environments

Proficiency in fine-tuning SignalR communication for optimal performance

What You'll Learn

An understanding of the application of SignalR in creating interactive web applications

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Course Content



Get familiar with SignalR in ASP.NET Core, setup, clients, messaging, security, and scaling.

Introduction to SignalR

Look at real-time communication in ASP.NET Core made simple with SignalR.

Setting up Your Project

Go hands-on with setting up a SignalR project, creating Hubs, and ensuring strong typing.

In-browser SignalR Clients

Grasp the fundamentals of setting up in-browser SignalR clients with JavaScript and Blazor.

External SignalR Clients

Dig deeper into setting up and launching external SignalR clients for .NET, Java, and WebSockets.

Sending Messages to Individual Clients or Groups of Clients

8 Lessons

Focus on customizing SignalR messaging for individuals or groups, enhancing interaction and efficiency.

Streaming in SignalR

8 Lessons

Master the steps to perform efficient, bi-directional streaming with SignalR in ASP.NET Core.

Advanced SignalR Configuration

10 Lessons

Learn how to use advanced SignalR configurations to optimize performance, security, and data handling.

Securing your SignalR Applications

9 Lessons

Unpack the core of securing SignalR applications with CORS, SSO, authentication, and authorization.

Scaling Out SignalR Application

8 Lessons

Work your way through scaling SignalR apps with Redis backplane and injectable IHubContext.

Introduction to Azure SignalR Service

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Azure SignalR Service for scaling SignalR Hubs and enhancing real-time communication.


4 Lessons

Dig deeper into setting up .NET SDK, SignalR library with NPM, and Maven project templates.

Course Author

Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

ML Engineer

Carlos Matias La Borde

Software Developer

Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

Software Developer

Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

DevOps Engineer

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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