In this prompt engineering course, learn what is prompt engineering, how to become a prompt engineer, and master AI prompt design with essential techniques, elements, and real-world role use.
32 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
In this prompt engineering course, learn what is prompt engineering, how to become a prompt engineer, and master AI prompt design with essential techniques, elements, and real-world role use.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
Prompt engineering means designing high-quality prompts that guide machine learning models to produce accurate outputs. It involves selecting the correct type of prompts, optimizing their length and structure, and determining their order and relevance to the task. In this course, you’ll be introduced to prompt engineering, a form of generative AI. You’ll look at an overview of prompts and their types, best practices, and role prompting. Additionally, you’ll gain a detailed understanding of different prompt...Show More
Artificial Intelligence
Prompt Engineering
Generative Ai
What You'll Learn
An understanding of principles and techniques of prompt engineering
The ability to design effective prompts to produce accurate ChatGPT outputs
Familiarity with the best practices of prompt engineering and role prompting
An understanding of the importance of data preprocessing, analysis and evaluation
Hands-on experience in applying productivity prompts to different roles, such as managers and experts from various fields
The ability to utilize prompts for personal use, such as preparing for interviews, creating courses and other self-improvement activities
What You'll Learn
An understanding of principles and techniques of prompt engineering
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Course Content
Prompt Engineering Overview
Techniques of Prompting
Using Productivity Prompts
Using Prompts for Personal Growth
Wrapping Up
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