Using Laravel for Advanced String Manipulation in PHP

Gain insights into advanced PHP string manipulation with Laravel. Delve into character encodings, Laravel string helpers, parsing methods, and regular expressions to enhance your web development projects efficiently.


166 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into advanced PHP string manipulation with Laravel. Delve into character encodings, Laravel string helpers, parsing methods, and regular expressions to enhance your web development projects efficiently.





This course includes

193 Playgrounds
15 Quizzes

This course includes

193 Playgrounds
15 Quizzes

Course Overview

In this course, you’ll dive deep into advanced PHP string manipulation techniques using the Laravel framework, empowering you to handle complex data formats efficiently and enhance your web development projects. You’ll start by exploring the fundamentals of character encodings and Laravel’s string helpers. Next, you’ll delve into formatting, logical operations, padding methods, word manipulation, and parsing methods, gaining hands-on experience applying these techniques within Laravel applications. You’ll ...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of Laravel’s string helper functions for various string manipulation tasks

Working knowledge of regular expressions syntax and its application in PHP for text processing and pattern matching

Hands-on experience accessing individual characters in UTF-8 strings and managing character encodings effectively

An understanding of Blade directive validation and working with HTML parsing techniques in PHP applications

Familiarity with applied techniques, such as writing a Gherkin parser and utilizing Markov chains for text generation

Hands-on experience formatting strings using different casing conventions such as camel, kebab, and snake cases

What You'll Learn

An understanding of Laravel’s string helper functions for various string manipulation tasks

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Course Content



Get familiar with advanced string manipulation in PHP using Laravel 9 and PHP 8.

What Are Strings?

Look at the fundamentals of strings, character encodings, and efficient string manipulation in PHP.

Fluent Strings

Examine the enhanced string methods and conditional logic in Laravel's Fluent Strings.

The Formatting Helper Methods

Apply your skills to advanced string manipulation in PHP using Laravel's helper methods.

The Logical Helper Methods

Take a look at Laravel's logical helper methods for advanced string manipulation.

The Construction Helper Methods

19 Lessons

Focus on mastering Laravel's helper methods for advanced string manipulation.

The Extraction Helper Methods

13 Lessons

Master the steps to extract, manipulate, and count string segments using Laravel's helper methods.

Padding Strings

4 Lessons

Learn how to use Laravel's string padding methods for flexible formatting and aligning tasks.

String Translations and Extension

5 Lessons

Solve challenges with Laravel's string translations, variable replacements, item management, and string extension methods.

Lines and Words

18 Lessons

Examine advanced Laravel techniques for string manipulation, focusing on lines, words, and indentation control.

Applied Techniques: Writing a Gherkin Parser

22 Lessons

Break down complex ideas for writing Gherkin parsers, managing parsing steps, localization, and scenarios in Laravel.

Markov Chains and Text Generation

4 Lessons

Solve problems in Markov chains for automated text generation with Laravel.

Fixed Width Data Parsing

7 Lessons

Tackle data conversions, updating records, managing truncation, and storing large data in fixed-width formats.

Splitting Strings

12 Lessons

Practice using advanced techniques for splitting and parsing strings in Laravel and PHP.

Applied Techniques: A Blade Directive Validator

8 Lessons

Step through creating and validating a robust Laravel Blade directive validator.

Working with HTML

8 Lessons

Discover the logic behind efficiently manipulating and parsing HTML documents with embedded languages in Laravel.

Regular Expressions

5 Lessons

Examine the syntax, types, and practical applications of regular expressions in Laravel.


1 Lesson

Grasp the fundamentals of advanced PHP string manipulation with Laravel, including text analysis and validation.


1 Lesson

Take a closer look at Laravel's construction methods and supported language codes for string tasks.

Course Author

Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies

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Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

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Carlos Matias La Borde

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Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

Software Developer

Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

DevOps Engineer

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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