Gain insights into intermediate JavaScript, mastering interview questions, common design patterns, and deep understanding of the language. Learn with expert Arnav Aggarwal's engaging teaching method.
50 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Gain insights into intermediate JavaScript, mastering interview questions, common design patterns, and deep understanding of the language. Learn with expert Arnav Aggarwal's engaging teaching method.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
This is for those familiar with the basics of JavaScript and looking to advance their knowledge and really understand how the language works. We'll cover topics that are essential to help you read, understand, and write better code. Before starting, you should be familiar with the basics of variables, functions, and loops in JavaScript. This course will enable you to master JavaScript interview questions that stump most developers. You'll be able to talk intelligently about the fundamentals of the language...Show More
Course Content
Behavior of Functions and Variables
Essential Modern JavaScript - ES2015+ In Depth
Object Oriented Programming: The Core
Object Oriented Programming: `this` and Inheritance
Introduction to Functional Programming
Functional Programming: Arrays and their Powerful Methods
6 Lessons
Functional Programming: Objects and their Powerful Methods
5 Lessons
A Dive into Asynchronous JavaScript
7 Lessons
Advanced Modern JavaScript - Cutting Edge ES2015+
7 Lessons
1 Lesson
Course Author
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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