Learn how to build and evaluate machine learning models using scikit-learn, from data preprocessing to model selection and evaluation.
55 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Learn how to build and evaluate machine learning models using scikit-learn, from data preprocessing to model selection and evaluation.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
This comprehensive course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize the scikit-learn library in Python for machine learning tasks. It is an excellent resource to help you develop practical machine learning applications using Python and scikit-learn. In this course, you’ll learn fundamental concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning, data preprocessing, and model evaluation. You’ll also learn how to implement popular machine learning algorithms, including regression, ...Show More
What You'll Learn
An understanding of data preprocessing steps
Proficiency in model selection and evaluation
Implementation level skills for designing supervised learning algorithms
An insight into unsupervised learning techniques
Working knowledge of hyperparameter tuning and optimization
What You'll Learn
An understanding of data preprocessing steps
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Course Content
Course Overview
Introduction to Machine Learning
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Model Evaluation
9 Lessons
How to Predict the Traffic Volume Using Machine Learning
Tips and Tricks
8 Lessons
1 Lesson
Customer Segmentation with K-Means Clustering
Course Author
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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