3D Machine Learning with PyTorch3D

Gain insights into PyTorch3D's role in XR and AI. Delve into camera parameters, rendering pipelines, and 3D data formats. Learn about PointNet, Mesh R-CNN, and Neural Radiance Fields.


37 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into PyTorch3D's role in XR and AI. Delve into camera parameters, rendering pipelines, and 3D data formats. Learn about PointNet, Mesh R-CNN, and Neural Radiance Fields.





This course includes

1 Assessment
68 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

This course includes

1 Assessment
68 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

Course Overview

With the surge in XR, 3D printing, and the Metaverse, 3D is extremely popular. Likewise, investment in AI is growing exponentially in most industrial sectors. PyTorch3D is the leading machine learning framework that bridges the gap between AI and 3D. It is essential for tools that generate 3D models from single images and 3D rooms from text prompts. After an introduction to PyTorch3D, you’ll learn how 2D images are formed from a 3D world, covering camera parameters, projection models, etc. Next, you’ll ex...Show More


Deep Learning


Pytorch Basics

Machine Learning

What You'll Learn

Understanding of fundamental computer graphics concepts

Working knowledge of computer vision and machine learning techniques for graphics

Ability to apply machine learning techniques to 3D data

Familiarity with techniques to transform, render, and manipulate 3D data

Hands-on experience building machine learning applications using PyTorch3D

What You'll Learn

Understanding of fundamental computer graphics concepts

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Course Content


Getting Started

Get familiar with 3D machine learning, PyTorch3D framework, and foundational machine learning concepts.

Cameras and Projection

Walk through camera models, coordinate transformations, projection methods, and 3D-2D image rendering in PyTorch3D.


Work your way through rendering techniques, ray tracing, shading, lighting, and texture estimation.

Data Representations

Grasp the fundamentals of 3D data representations in machine learning, including voxels, point clouds, meshes, SDFs, and fields.

Operations and Techniques

Dive into diverse 3D deep learning techniques, including batching, mesh deformation, PnP, ICP, graph convolution, voxel branches, and positional encoding.

Key Models

3 Lessons

Tackle groundbreaking models for 3D data processing, shape prediction, and novel view synthesis.

Final Assessment




1 Lesson

Build on essential knowledge and skills in 3D machine learning with PyTorch3D.


1 Lesson

Learn how to use valuable external resources on 3D machine learning and related tools.

Course Author

Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

ML Engineer

Carlos Matias La Borde

Software Developer

Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

Software Developer

Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

DevOps Engineer

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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