Mastering Plotly and Dash Data Visualization with Python

Learn Plotly and Dash to build interactive visualizations and dashboards with Python. Explore customization, interactivity, and complex datasets to create dynamic, data-driven applications.


73 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Learn Plotly and Dash to build interactive visualizations and dashboards with Python. Explore customization, interactivity, and complex datasets to create dynamic, data-driven applications.





This course includes

2 Projects
245 Playgrounds
8 Quizzes

This course includes

2 Projects
245 Playgrounds
8 Quizzes

Course Overview

Discover the compelling universe of Plotly and Dash, versatile Python libraries that enable interactive data visualization and web dashboard applications. These tools are essential for anyone seeking to effectively communicate data narratives and build interactive data visualizations. You'll explore Plotly’s robust data visualization capabilities. You’ll create plots for univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis before customizing and adding interactivity, using real world datasets. Then, you’ll buil...Show More


Data Visualization



Python Programming

Machine Learning

What You'll Learn

Proficiency in dynamic data visualization using Plotly including customizations and advanced features

Comprehensive understanding of various analysis techniques (univariate, bivariate, multivariate) with Plotly

Hands-on experience with creating interactive dashboards using Dash including web application development

The ability to transform complex data into insightful and interactive narratives using Plotly and Dash for data-driven insights

What You'll Learn

Proficiency in dynamic data visualization using Plotly including customizations and advanced features

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Course Content


Introduction and Univariate Analysis

Get familiar with using Plotly and Dash for univariate data analysis and visualization.

Exploratory Data Analysis - Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis

Walk through bivariate and multivariate analysis using various visualization techniques with Plotly.

Customizing Plots

Work your way through customizing titles, axes, legends, colors, hover info, and annotations in Plotly.

Advanced Customization

Grasp the fundamentals of advanced customizations in Plotly, focusing on subplots and layering.

Interactivity in Plotly

Map out the steps for creating interactive Plotly charts with buttons, sliders, and dropdowns.

Time Series Analysis and Visualization Using Python and Plotly



Visualizing Machine Learning Models with Plotly

7 Lessons

Focus on visualizing regression and classification models, dimensionality reduction with hands-on Plotly tasks.

Global Energy Consumption Visualization



Introducing Dash

4 Lessons

Practice using Dash to build interactive web apps with components, styling, and callback functions.

Dash Layout

6 Lessons

Step through building responsive Dash applications with HTML, Graph, and Input components.

Dash Styling

3 Lessons

Look at the integration of CSS for styling, utilizing stylesheets, and ensuring consistency in Dash.

Dash Callbacks

7 Lessons

Master the steps to create responsive Dash apps using callback functions and chained callbacks.

User Interactivity in Dash

3 Lessons

Enhance your skills in creating dynamic and interactive Plotly graphs with Dash.

Tabular data in Dash DataTable

6 Lessons

Enhance data interaction with customizable DataTables. Utilize sorting, filtering, styling, and pagination features effectively.

Global Energy Consumption Dashboard




1 Lesson

Investigate the acquired skills for creating impressive visualizations and interactive applications.

Build Data-centric Dashboards Using Dash


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