Testing Next.js Applications with Cypress

Gain insights into testing Next.js applications with Cypress. Delve into organizing, fetching data, and writing end-to-end tests to enhance web reliability and quality.


48 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into testing Next.js applications with Cypress. Delve into organizing, fetching data, and writing end-to-end tests to enhance web reliability and quality.





This course includes

1 Assessment
71 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

This course includes

1 Assessment
71 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

Course Overview

Gain real-world knowledge for making Next.js websites more reliable through smart testing. You will start this course by understanding the basics of Next.js and how files are organized, and data is fetched. Then, you will explore Cypress, a tool that helps you test your website to ensure everything works as expected. In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of Cypress by selecting elements and making assertions. Next, you will learn how to test a real-world Next.js application and get hands-on exper...Show More

What You'll Learn

Proficiency in the fundamentals of Next.js and Cypress

An understanding of testing web applications using Cypress

Working knowledge of writing Cypress tests using the Cypress testing syntax

Hands-on experience writing end-to-end and component tests

Proficiency in using Cypress to test the functionality and behavior of React components

An understanding of the best practices for writing robust and maintainable tests in Cypress

What You'll Learn

Proficiency in the fundamentals of Next.js and Cypress

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Course Content


Introduction to Next.js and Testing

Get familiar with Next.js, its testing with Cypress, and efficient development techniques.

Introduction to Cypress

Look at using Cypress for automated front-end testing, element selection, and making assertions.

Testing a Next.js Application

Break apart setting up, organizing, and maintaining a Cypress test environment for Next.js applications.

End-To-End Testing with Cypress

Enhance your skills in end-to-end testing techniques with Cypress for Next.js applications.

Component Testing with Cypress

Dig deeper into Cypress component testing, setup, mounting, challenges, solutions, spies, and drawbacks.

Assessment: Testing Next.js Applications with Cypress




3 Lessons

Implement comprehensive Next.js testing using Cypress, covering techniques, configurations, and essential tools.

Course Author

Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

ML Engineer

Carlos Matias La Borde

Software Developer

Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

Software Developer

Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

DevOps Engineer

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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