Acceptance of New Blocks

Learn how newly created blocks are accepted in the blockchain.

We'll cover the following

New blocks acceptance

As outlined in this section, every miner immediately accepts a new block once it was propagated by another miner. This acceptance of new blocks is based on the incentive system of the Nakamoto consensus, which ensures a reward for the miner who successfully solves the Proof-of-Work. We show simplified proof of why any node should adopt the new block instead of continuing to work on its own candidate block.

Suppose that the reward for a new block is given by RR. Let HH be the total hashrate of the entire network, pHp H be the hashrate of the honest network and qHq H be the hashrate of Alice, where p+q=1p+q=1 and qpq \ll p. We assume that an honest miner has broadcasted a newly mined block BnB_{n} to the network, as shown in Figure 1, that’s accepted by every honest node.

Figure 1

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