Groups: Elementary Properties

Learn the elementary properties of groups, that is, homomorphism, isomorphism, endomorphism, and automorphism.

Some elementary properties of groups are a direct consequence of the group axioms.

Lemma 1

Let (G,)(G, *) be a group. Then:

  1. The identity element eGe_{G} of (G,)(G, *) is unique.

  2. The inverse a1a^{-1} of aa is unique for every aGa \in G.

  3. The cancellation laws hold, i.e., for every a,b,cG:a, b, c \in G:

ab=acb=c and ba=cab=c.a * b=a * c \Rightarrow b=c \quad \text { and } \quad b * a=c * a \Rightarrow b=c.


  1. Suppose that there are two different identity elements e1e_{1} and e2.e_{2} . It holds that e1e2=e1e_{1} * e_{2}=e_{1} and e1e2=e2e_{1} * e_{2}=e_{2} as well. Consequently, it follows that e1=e1e2=e2e_{1}=e_{1} * e_{2}=e_{2}.

  2. Suppose that there are two different inverses aˉ,a^\bar{a}, \hat{a} for aa. Then,

    aˉ=aˉe=aˉ(aa^)=(aˉa)a^=ea^=a^. \bar{a}=\bar{a} * e=\bar{a} *(a * \hat{a})=(\bar{a} * a) * \hat{a}=e * \hat{a}=\hat{a}.

  3. Let ab=ac.a * b=a * c . According to Definition: the group axioms :The_Group_Axioms , there exists an inverse a1a^{-1} for aa such that a1a=e.a^{-1} * a=e . Then, it follows that

    b=eb=(a1a)b=a1(ab)=a1(ac)=(a1a)c=ec=c. b =e * b=(a^{-1} * a) * b=a^{-1} *(a * b)=a^{-1} *(a * c) =(a^{-1} * a) * c=e * c=c.

The second statement can be proven in a similar way.

Corollary 1

Let a(G,).a \in (G, *). If a2=aa^{2}=a, then a=e.a=e.

Group homomorphisms


Let GG and HH be groups with their specific binary operations * and \star, i.e., (G,)(G, *) and (H,).(H, \star) . Then, a map ϕ:\phi: GHG \rightarrow H is called a group homomorphism if:

ϕ(ab)=ϕ(a)ϕ(b)\phi(a * b)=\phi(a) \star \phi(b)

for every a,bGa, b \in G.


  1. The function f:(Z,+)(Z,+),x2xf:(\mathbb{Z},+) \rightarrow(\mathbb{Z},+), x \mapsto 2 x is a group homomorphism since f(x+y)=2(x+y)=2x+2y=f(x)+f(y)f(x+y)=2(x+y)=2 x+2 y=f(x)+f(y) for every x,yZx, y \in \mathbb{Z}.

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