
Let (G,)(G, *) be a group and HGH \subset G. HH is called a subgroup of GG (usually denoted by HGH \leq G ) if HH also forms a group with respect to the restriction of the same binary operation *, i.e.,

H1 for all a,bHabHa, b \in H \Rightarrow a * b \in H (HH is closed with respect to ).*) .

H2 HH together with the induced binary operation.

:H×HH,(a,b)ab*: H \times H \rightarrow H,(a, b) \mapsto a * b

forms a group, meaning that the restriction of * to H×HH \times H is a binary group operation on H\mathrm{H}.

In order to form a subgroup of any group G,HG, H has to fulfill the following minimal requirements:

Lemma 1: Subgroup criteria

Let (G,)(G, *) be a group, HGH \subset G with H.H \neq \varnothing . Then, the following statements are equivalent:

  1. HGH \leqslant G

  2. a,bHabHa, b \in H \Rightarrow a * b \in H and a1Ha^{-1} \in H

  3. a,bHab1Ha, b \in H \Rightarrow a * b^{-1} \in H


  • (1) \Rightarrow (2): Let HGH \leqslant G. According to the above definition, there are a,bHa, b \in H and also abHa * b \in H. Since HH is a group, there exists an identity element ee^{\prime}. Because ee=ee^{\prime} * e^{\prime}=e^{\prime}, as the concept discussed here :Corollary_2_6_1 yields e=ee^{\prime}=e. Furthermore, since HH is a group, there exists an inverse aHa^{\prime} \in H for every aHa \in H such that aa=ea^{\prime} * a=e. Therefore, a1=aHa^{-1}=a^{\prime} \in H.

  • (2) \Rightarrow (3): According to statement (2), if a,bHa, b \in H, then aHa \in H and also b1Hb^{-1} \in H, therefore (2) yields ab1Ha * b^{-1} \in H.

  • (3) \Rightarrow (1): For a,bHa, b \in H, (3) yields bb1Hb * b^{-1} \in H, and thus e=bb1He=b * b^{-1} \in H. It follows that b1=eb1b^{-1}=e * b^{-1} for all bHb \in H, and therefore ab=a(b1)1a * b=a *\left(b^{-1}\right)^{-1}. Altogether, a,bHabHa, b \in H \Rightarrow a * b \in H, which yields HGH \leq G according to the definition given above (H1).

These minimal demands are defined in this lemma together with this lemma :Lemma_2_6_2 yield very natural conditions for an easy verifying of HH to be a subgroup of GG.

Theorem 1: subgroup verification

HGH \leqslant G if, and only if, the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. HH is closed with respect to the binary operator *, i.e., abHa * b \in H for every a,bHa, b \in H.

  2. H\mathrm{H} contains the identity element eGe_{G} of GG.

  3. For each aH,Ha \in H, H also contains its inverse element, i.e., if a,a1Ga, a^{-1} \in G and aHa \in H, then also a1Ha^{-1} \in H.

Note: For any group G=(G,)G=(G, *) with identity eG,{eG}e_{G},\left\{e_{G}\right\} and GG itself are always subgroups of GG, whereas {eG}\left\{e_{G}\right\} is called the trivial subgroup. Any other subgroup is said to be a proper subgroup.


(Z,+)(\mathbb{Z},+) is a subgroup of (Q,+)(\mathbb{Q},+) and (R,+)(\mathbb{R},+). It’s easy to see that the set of integers Z\mathbb{Z} is closed with respect to ++, meaning that a+bZa+b \in \mathbb{Z} for every a,bZa, b \in \mathbb{Z}. Furthermore, the identity element 0 of Q\mathbb{Q} and R\mathbb{R} is also contained in Z\mathbb{Z}. Additionally, Z\mathbb{Z} contains the inverse a-a for all aZa \in \mathbb{Z}.


(Zn,+)\left(\mathbb{Z}_{n},+\right) is a subgroup of (Z,+)(\mathbb{Z},+).

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