WebSocket API

Learn about WebSocket APIs and how we can configure them using AWS API Gateway in AWS.

Unlike REST API, which is used for synchronous communication, WebSocket API is used for asynchronous communication. It enables real-time bidirectional communication between client and server. In contrast to the request/response model, where the client sends the request and the server responds, WebSocket API allows the server to send one-way messages to the client.

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WebSocket connection vs. HTTP connection
WebSocket connection vs. HTTP connection

Bidirectional communication

But why do we need bidirectional communication when we have REST APIs? Consider a real time chat application as one shown in the figure below. Alice wants to send a message to Bob, so it sends a POST request to the server with the message payload. When the request arrives at the server, it does not know how to pass on the message to Bob. That’s when bidirectional communication and WebSocket API come in handy.

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REST API vs. WebSocket API
REST API vs. WebSocket API

WebSocket API handles such scenarios by using the publish-subscriber model. It establishes a persistent connection between the publishers and the subscribers. Clients subscribe to specific channels, and the server can broadcast messages to all connected clients subscribed to those channels. Thus, Alice and Bob connect to the server, and when the request to send a message to Bob arrives, it knows how to send it through.

A significant drop in the connectivity cost and increased available bandwidth has led to an increase in the use of WebSockets API. Many mobile applications maintain constant connections to servers via WebSockets for real-time notifications. Online gaming apps rely on WebSockets to sustain ongoing connections with individual clients. Any scenario involving instant updates, notifications, or persistent connections to the server typically involves the utilization of WebSockets.

In WebSocket, API routes have an associated Route Key, a specific field within the WebSocket message that determines how API Gateway routes the message. When a message arrives at the WebSocket API, API Gateway examines the route key to determine the destination for the message. Different messages may have different route keys, allowing for versatile routing scenarios.

Example: Chat application

Let’s understand this concept with an example from a chat application that broadcasts messages to all the subscribers. By incorporating a route key based on the “action,” we can direct requests to different backend services. When the API receives a request, it examines the JSON payload containing the action property. The route table then decides the action to take by comparing the action value against predefined keys, allowing for dynamic routing of messages to different backend functionalities based on the specified actions.

The WebSocket API provides three predefined routes:

  • $connect for initiating a connection

  • $disconnect for handling disconnected clients and servers

  • $default for directing requests when no matching route is found

What makes WebSocket API stand out among the other APIs is its ability to send back requests to the client. It achieves this functionality through two methods: either sends back the response according to the configured route response or sends a POST request using the @connections API. The latter works by storing the connection ID of the client. Whenever the backend service has to send a request to the client, it initiates the @connection API and provides it with the connection ID of the client.

The illustration below shows the infrastructure of the chat application containing a DynamoDB table to store connection IDs and a Lambda function to provide business logic.

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Chat application infrastructure
Chat application infrastructure

In our use case, the DynamoDB table stores the connection IDs of the subscribers. 

  • Whenever a client connects to the API Gateway, the WebSocket API routes the information to the Lambda function, which stores the connection ID in the DynamoDB table. 

  • Similarly, whenever a client disconnects, the Lambda function integrated at $disconnect route deletes the connection ID from the database.

  • The $default handles requests that are not routed properly by not performing any task. 

  • To broadcast messages to all the clients, we’ve configured a $message route that fetches the connection ID of the clients from the DynamoDB table and forwards the message to them all.

Security in WebSocket API

Due to the exposed nature of APIs, it is necessary to ensure the connections are secure. Since WebSocket APIs are stateful, we only need to verify a connection when it is first established. WebSocket APIs require a username and password from the client at the route to authenticate a client. For the subsequent authorization of the client, WebSocket API stores the session details. We can use the Lambda authorizer function to handle the authorization logic.

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