Use Cases of LangChain

Learn how developers can utilize LangChains to build various applications in this lesson.

LangChain is an incredible platform that allows developers to use language models in diverse applications. It lets developers create customizable chains to fine-tune the language models according to the needs. This adaptability makes LangChain an ideal solution for a wide range of language-based tasks.

Let’s look at some of the common use cases of LangChain in this lesson.


Summarization is a powerful tool to obtain a piece of key information from lengthy documents. It saves time and resources by quickly extracting the core information from documents or articles. Using LangChain, we can pass the documents in the following two options:

  • When dealing with a short document, we can pass the document in a single prompt to the LLM.

  • When dealing with multiple documents, we can pass these documents separately to the LLM and generate individual summaries. Finally, a separate call to an LLM combines these individual summaries to get to a final summary.

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