How long are shots?

Shots should be short and highly interactive. Each shot should take no longer than 3-5 minutes to read and digest.

Hyperlinks are super easy to add! All you have to do is place the word that you would like to link in-between brackets and then place the actual link in-between parentheses, like this: [link](link. com).

How do I justify my content?

Don’t worry about it​! Our content team will make sure that your final product is justified and beautiful.

Will I get paid?

EdPresso is (and always will be) a free platform. Although you will not be paid for your​ contributions, you will gain exposure and be given a shoutout on our Twitter page.

What should I write on?

Shot creators can write on any technical topic that is not already present on Edpresso. If you are unsure about what to write on, you can visit our topic board. Below are a few examples of shot-types that can be created.

  1. Definition shots: A simple definition of a technical term or concept.
  2. “Vs.” shots:A comparison of one technical concept of another.
  3. “In the wild” shots: Application of technology in the real world to shot what it is/how it can be used.
  4. Overview shots: A general overview of a larger concept.
  5. Reference shots: A code snippet referencing a code function.
  6. Trending shots: Trending technologies developers should know about.
  7. Checklist shots: A short list of things a dev should know or do to achieve a goal.

Don’t know what to write on? Visit our topic board.

What is the review process?

Once a shot is submitted for publication, it will go through a light content and grammar review that takes about 3-4 ​days. Creators will be consulted via email before any substantial changes are made.

What happens once you’re published?

There will be a “contributor of the month” every month to honor the contributor whose shot received the most traffic in the month it was published. The contributor will receive a 3-month Educative gift subscription for their own use or give to someone else.

You will be invited to an exclusive Edpresso contributor Slack channel so that you can interact and network with other contributors.

How is the content that is contributed to EdPresso licensed for sharing?

All content is licensed under Creative Commons -Attribution -ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0).

Who do I contact with my questions and concerns?

DM us on Twitter or shoot us an email at! 😃