Gain insights into Docker architecture, images, and containers. Delve into Docker Compose, JS integration, and production readiness. Master deploying, clustering, and scaling Rails apps using Docker tools.
104 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Gain insights into Docker architecture, images, and containers. Delve into Docker Compose, JS integration, and production readiness. Master deploying, clustering, and scaling Rails apps using Docker tools.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
This course is your field manual for building Rails applications with Docker. To kick things off, you’ll start by learning the basics of Docker like architecture, images, and containers. You will then be introduced to Docker Compose and use it to build up to a multiservice application with Redis. You will then work to get your Dockerized setup to play nice with JavaScript, using both the standard asset pipeline and webpacker, Rails’ newest approach for integrating modern JavaScript front ends. Lastly, y...Show More
Docker Containers
Docker Architecture
Docker Images
Docker Commands
Docker Compose
Adding Database Using Compose
React Frontend In Rails
Testing Via Docker
Docker Compose Commands
Ruby Gem's Management
Caas Platforms
Docker Machine
Using Docker Swarm
Db Migration
Ops Explanation
Production Images
Docker Hub
Iaas Platforms
Deployment On Cloud
What You'll Learn
Learn the Docker fundamentals you need to know to get you off the ground
Get your hands dirty making and running the real Rails app
Learn how Compose allows adding multiple services
Learn to integrate a frontend option with your Rails app
Use Docker to deploy the Rails app to Cloud
What You'll Learn
Learn the Docker fundamentals you need to know to get you off the ground
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Course Content
A Brave New World
Running a Rails App in a Container
Fine-Tuning Our Rails Image
Describing Our App Declaratively with Docker Compose
Beyond the App: Adding Redis
6 Lessons
Docker for Rails Developer—Exam 1
Adding a Database: Postgres
7 Lessons
Playing Nice with JavaScript
6 Lessons
Testing in a Dockerized Environment
8 Lessons
Advanced Gem Management
5 Lessons
Some Minor Irritations
5 Lessons
Docker for Rails Developer—Exam 2
The Production Landscape
10 Lessons
Preparing for Production
5 Lessons
A Production-Like Playground
10 Lessons
Deploying to the Cloud
8 Lessons
Docker for Rails Developer - Exam 3
Closing Thoughts and Next Steps
3 Lessons
3 Lessons
Course Author
Show License and Attributions
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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