Exploring the Eventbrite API in JavaScript

Explore the Eventbrite API to manage events, tickets, and sales. Gain hands-on experience creating events, venues, and promo codes while building applications in frameworks like React.


16 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Explore the Eventbrite API to manage events, tickets, and sales. Gain hands-on experience creating events, venues, and promo codes while building applications in frameworks like React.





This course includes

38 Playgrounds

This course includes

38 Playgrounds

Course Overview

Eventbrite is a popular platform among event organizers. Its well-designed management system allows users to search, create, and publish events. Eventbrite provides an API to manage the events, which we can easily integrate into our applications. In this course, you’ll gain hands-on experience managing events and tickets. The API provides endpoints for creating events, creating venues, and tickets. You’ll also learn how to create tickets and get event orders. You’ll create a checkout system for the sale of...Show More


Rest Api

Api Integration

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Eventbrite event management platform from the user’s perspective

Familiarity with the lifecycle of events on the Eventbrite platform and the corresponding endpoints

The ability to use the Events, Orders, and Payment endpoints of the Eventbrite API

Hands-on experience in building an application using the Eventbrite API

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Eventbrite event management platform from the user’s perspective

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Course Content



Get familiar with integrating Eventbrite API to manage online ticketing using JavaScript.

Managing Events

Get started with managing events, venues, tickets, and event publication using the Eventbrite API.

Orders and Order Questions

Work your way through integrating Eventbrite widgets, retrieving orders, and managing custom questions.

Discounts and Promo Codes

Utilize the Eventbrite API to create, update, retrieve, and delete discounts effectively.


Solve problems in generating sales and attendees reports using the Eventbrite API.

API Integration in React

1 Lesson

Tackle API integration in React to manage events, tickets, and transactions efficiently.


1 Lesson

Build on your foundational knowledge of integrating Eventbrite API into web applications.

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