List Orders and Attendees

Learn how to list the orders of different categories and attendees using the API call.

Eventbrite provides the ability to retrieve orders and attendees of an event within an organization. The order details are considered confidential and are kept private. Only the organization owner or its member can retrieve this information, and the order owner can see all details.

Retrieve all orders of a specific event

The following URL utilizes the GET request method to retrieve the list of all orders in an event.{event_id}/orders

We provide the {event_id} of the targeted event in the URL. It returns a paginated response with a list of all orders of the targeted event.

Press + to interact
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{EVENT_ID}}/orders/');
const headerParameters = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
async function listOrders() {
try {
const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);
} catch (error) {
// Calling function to make API call
  • Line 1: We define the endpoint URL; it has EVENT_ID as the URL parameter.
  • Line 3–6: We define the header, which includes the authorization token and content type.
  • Line 8–11: We set the API call options by specifying the header and by setting the request method as GET.
  • Line 13–20: We create a function listOrders to make an API call using fetch and to handle any exception if it occurs. The custom functions printResponse and printError print the respective objects.
  • Line 23: We invoke the listOrders function.

Some important fields of the order object are given in the table below:

Order Fields






Contains all details of base price, Eventbrite fee, gross amount, payment fee, and tax



ID of the order



Name of the purchaser



Email address of the purchaser



Status of the ticket; for example, started, pending, placed, and abandoned



ID of the event to which the ticket belongs

Filter orders

The specific parameters can be appended with the above URL if we want to retrieve the filtered orders. For example, if we want to retrieve orders by a specific email address, we can use the following URL:{event_id}/orders/?only_emails={email_address}

A list of some important parameters that can be used to filter the orders is provided below.

Filter Parameters






Filter event orders by status; possible values are active, inactive,

both, and all_not_deleted



Orders changed on or after this time


String [ ]

Orders placed by the email address


String [ ]

Exclude orders by the email address in the return object


String [ ]

Orders related to specific order status are returned; possible values are completed,  pending,  outside_policy,  disputed, and denied

Below is an example of retrieving the order information for a specific email address. Specify the <email_address> in the URL in line 1 and run the code.

Press + to interact
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{EVENT_ID}}/orders/?only_emails=<email_address>');
const headerParameters = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
async function filterOrders() {
try {
const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);
} catch (error) {
// Calling function to make API call
  • Line 1: We define the endpoint URL with EVENT_ID and <email_address> as the URL parameters to retrieve the orders.
  • Line 8–11: We set the API call options by specifying the header and by setting the request method as GET.
  • Line 13–20: We create a function filterOrders to make an API call using fetch and to handle any exception if it occurs. The printResponse and printError are the custom functions to print the respective objects.
  • Line 23: We invoke the filterOrders function.

List a specific order

We’ve retrieved all the orders in the above widget. Now, to retrieve the details of a specific order, we will provide a specific order_id in the URL. The following URL utilizes the GET request method to fetch the details of a specific order:{order_id}/

It will return the JSON object of the order. Copy any {order_id} from the output of the above widget and paste it into the widget below to retrieve the specific order.

Press + to interact
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{ORDER_ID}}/');
const headerParameters = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
async function listOrder() {
try {
const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);
} catch (error) {
// Calling function to make API call
  • Line 1: We define the endpoint URL with ORDER_ID as the URL parameter to list the order.
  • Line 8–11: We set the API call options by specifying the header and by setting the request method as GET.
  • Line 13–20: We create a function listOrder to make an API call using fetch and to handle any exception if it occurs. The custom functions printResponse and printError print the respective objects.
  • Line 23: We invoke the listOrder function.

Retrieve attendees by event

The attendees of an event can be retrieved using the event ID. The following URL utilizes the GET request method to retrieve the attendees:{event_id}/attendees/
Press + to interact
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{EVENT_ID}}/attendees');
const headerParameters = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
async function retrieveAttendees() {
try {
const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);
} catch (error) {
// Calling function to make API call
  • Line 1: We define the endpoint URL; it has EVENT_ID as the URL parameter to retrieve the attendees list.
  • Line 8–11: We set the API call options by specifying the header and by setting the request method as GET.
  • Line 13–20: We create a function retrieveAttendees to make an API call using fetch and handling any exception if it occurs. The custom functions printResponse and printError print the respective objects.
  • Line 23: We invoke the retrieveAttendees function.