Generic Programming Templates in C++

Explore the power of C++ templates, from function and class basics to advanced features like instantiation and concepts, enhancing code flexibility, reusability, and abstraction without performance loss.


91 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Explore the power of C++ templates, from function and class basics to advanced features like instantiation and concepts, enhancing code flexibility, reusability, and abstraction without performance loss.





This course includes

121 Playgrounds

This course includes

121 Playgrounds

Course Overview

Templates are one of the many powerful features of Modern C++ programming. And with each new C++ standard, they become more important. Templates provide an efficient way to make your code more flexible and reusable, this way you can avoid repeating code that would otherwise be identical except for different types. Templates also give you the ability to provide abstraction without a performance penalty. However, templates can be difficult to apply, can be counterintuitive, and have tricky error messages. ...Show More

Course Content



Get familiar with C++ templates, covering fundamentals and advanced programming concepts for better abstraction.


Unpack the core of function, class, and template parameter concepts in C++ templates.


Examine C++ template instantiation, variadic templates, fold expressions, class template friendship, and dependent names usage.


Grasp the fundamentals of automatic return type, template metaprogramming, type-traits, and constexpr in C++.


Dig into static and dynamic polymorphism, CRTP, expression templates, idioms, and patterns in C++.


7 Lessons

See how it works to enhance C++ generic programming with concepts, constraints, and type safety.


2 Lessons

Master the significance and future enhancements of templates in C++, and learn about the author.

Course Author

Add a deep mastery of C++ to your skillset, and make yourself a more in-demand developer.

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Learn C++ for Programmers

Learn C++ from scratch, and get hands-on with one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
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Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

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Carlos Matias La Borde

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Vinay Krishnaiah

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Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

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Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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