Explore graph data structures with Elixir, including native vs. external databases, querying with Cypher, Gremlin, and SPARQL, and transforming data between graph models for efficient data management.
120 Lessons
Certificate of Completion
Explore graph data structures with Elixir, including native vs. external databases, querying with Cypher, Gremlin, and SPARQL, and transforming data between graph models for efficient data management.
This course includes
This course includes
Course Overview
Graph data structures are quite intuitive and highly flexible. They’re used to conduct queries in databases and interconnect entities in data networks. Elixir, with its power of concurrency and data- and graph-aware packages, is the perfect language to explore graph data structures. In this course, you’ll learn basic graph data structures and build a simple graph model. Next, you’ll build a testbed umbrella application to compare native graph structures with external databases. You’ll also learn to query g...Show More
What You'll Learn
An understanding of the basic graph data structures
Hands-on experience building native graph structures in Elixir
Ability to use graph-aware packages in the Elixir ecosystem
Ability to harness the concurrency of Elixir for distributed data across data networks
Ability to generate queries for graph databases with Cypher, Gremlin, and GraphQL
Ability to perform queries for linked open data with SPARQL
Ability to process and transform data from one graph model to another
What You'll Learn
An understanding of the basic graph data structures
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Course Content
Getting Started
Part I - Graphs Everywhere
Getting Started with the Project
Part II - Getting to Grips with Graphs
Exploring Graph Structures
Navigating Graphs with Neo4j
10 Lessons
Querying Neo4j with Cypher
11 Lessons
Graphing Globally with RDF
14 Lessons
Querying RDF with SPARQL
9 Lessons
Traversing Graphs with Gremlin
8 Lessons
Delivering Data with Dgraph
10 Lessons
Part III - Graph to Graph
12 Lessons
Processing the Graph
7 Lessons
Wrap Up
1 Lesson
Course Author
Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
Evan Dunbar
ML Engineer
Carlos Matias La Borde
Software Developer
Souvik Kundu
Front-end Developer
Vinay Krishnaiah
Software Developer
Eric Downs
Kenan Eyvazov
DevOps Engineer
Anthony Walker
Emma Bostian 🐞
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