JS Assessment: Assess your Javascript skills

Gain insights into your JavaScript proficiency with exercises on Arrays, Strings, Functions, Objects, and more, designed by Rebecca Murphy. Discover and enhance your coding skills in real-time.


10 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into your JavaScript proficiency with exercises on Arrays, Strings, Functions, Objects, and more, designed by Rebecca Murphy. Discover and enhance your coding skills in real-time.





This course includes

42 Challenges

This course includes

42 Challenges

Course Overview

Test your Javascript skills by trying out exercises in your browser. These exercises were originally created by Rebecca Murphy and released under "js-assessment". By doing these exercises, you will learn about Javascript Arrays, Strings, Functions, Objects, Inheritance, Regular Expressions etc.

Course Content


Part - I

Try out logical operators, Fizzbuzz, arrays, and string manipulation in JavaScript.

Part - II

Get started with numerical operations, objects manipulation, and modular organization in JavaScript.

Part - III

Work your way through advanced function handling and mastering regex patterns in JavaScript.


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