Okta Data Model

Get a high-level overview of the Okta data model.

In this lesson, we’ll take a high-level look at Okta’s data model. Every entity in Okta is referred to as a resource. Each resource comprises the following:

  • Attributes: These are fields such as id or status.
  • Links/URLs: These are a list of actions and URLs. Calls to different URLs will result in specific actions. For example, a resetPassword link would allow the user to reset their password.
  • Profile: It is a JSON object that allows us to store attributes. For example, the firstName of a user will store the user’s first name.

A private data space is created for a user whenever they sign up for Okta. This private space is called an organization (also called org) in Okta. This customer owns this organization and all the data in it like users, directories, applications, groups and more.

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