In this lesson, we'll see how to use string in C++.

We'll cover the following


Though strings can be represented as an array of characters, most languages have a separate type for strings.

Include statement: #include <string>

Let’s see the string type in C++ and some of its methods that we will be using frequently.

The entire documentation can be found here.

string s; // new empty string

s.size(); // get size()
s[i]; // access character 

Time complexity

The string data type is an array of characters and hence the operations are very similar to that on a vector; memory, time and name-wise. Points to note are

  • Inserting at the end - O(1)O(1)
  • Inserting in between - O(N)O(N)
  • Deleting last character - O(1)O(1)
  • Deleting other characters - O(N)O(N)

A quick recap, inserting or deleting middle characters requires the shifting of other characters.


string has multiple methods to append to an existing string.

  • append(s)append(s) - append another string
  • += operatoroperator - append another string
  • push_back(c)push\_back(c) - append character
string s1;
string s2 = "str";

s1.append(s2); // s1 = "str"
s1.push_back('i'); // s1 = "stri"
s1+="ng"; // s1 = "string"


  • erase(it)erase(it) - Iterator to the character to remove
  • erase(pos,len)erase(pos, len) - erase len number of characters starting at position pos
string s = "example string";

s.erase(s.begin() + 7); // s = "examplestring"
s.erase(4, 6); // s = "examing"


The substring substr(start_pos, len) returns substring for passed start position and length (length is optional, if skipped, return the string till the end).

Here is a code snippet where the functions return lo W. Fix it to return Hell to pass the test.

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