C++ Concepts: Improve Type Safety with C++ 20

Gain insights into C++20 Concepts to enhance type safety. Delve into creating compiler-checked criteria for templates and improving error clarity for seamless generic code development.


68 Lessons

3h 20min

Certificate of Completion

Gain insights into C++20 Concepts to enhance type safety. Delve into creating compiler-checked criteria for templates and improving error clarity for seamless generic code development.





This course includes

66 Playgrounds
6 Quizzes

This course includes

66 Playgrounds
6 Quizzes

Course Overview

This course will walk you through the newest version of C++ 20, C++ Concepts. You will go through one of the most significant new features in C++20, which is Concepts. Concepts allow you to create compiler-checked criteria for template parameters, revolutionizing the way you think about and develop generic code. You can use them to provide both syntactic and semantic requirements. They also allow you to explicitly express your goal in the type system. If something goes wrong, you'll get a clear error messa...Show More



What You'll Learn

Learn to use concepts to create more powerful programs

Learn to write your own C++ Concepts

Learn to use C++ Concepts in real life

What You'll Learn

Learn to use concepts to create more powerful programs

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Course Content



Get familiar with C++20 concepts, enhancing type safety and improving template usability.

The Concept Behind C++ Concepts

Discover the logic behind C++20 concepts, enhancing template safety, clarity, and performance.

Four Ways to use Concepts in Functions

Explore using C++ concepts in functions for enhanced type safety and template constraints.

C++ Concepts with Classes

Grasp the fundamentals of applying concepts in C++ classes to enhance type safety.

Concepts Shipped with the C++ Standard Library

Explore C++20 standard concepts in `<concepts>`, `<iterator>`, and `<ranges>`.

How to Write Your Own C++ Concepts

21 Lessons

See how it works to create custom C++ concepts, validate constraints, and enforce type safety.

How to Use C++ Concepts in Real Life

8 Lessons

Practice using C++ concepts to enhance type safety, utility functions, and implement multiple destructors.


1 Lesson

Learn how to use C++ concepts to enhance type safety and simplify templates.

Course Author

Trusted by 1.4 million developers working at companies

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


Evan Dunbar

ML Engineer

Carlos Matias La Borde

Software Developer

Souvik Kundu

Front-end Developer

Vinay Krishnaiah

Software Developer

Eric Downs


Kenan Eyvazov

DevOps Engineer

Anthony Walker


Emma Bostian 🐞


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