Solution: Find K Largest Elements in the List

Let’s solve the Find K Largest Elements in the List problem.


Given a list of integers, nums, and a positive integer, k, find the k largest elements in the list.


  • 11 \leq k \leq nums.length 103\leq 10^3

  • 104-10^4 \leq nums[i] 104\leq 10^4

Solution 1: Utilizing sort

In this solution, we sort the given list of numbers in descending order, meaning the largest numbers come first. Then, we select the first k elements from the sorted list, which are the k largest elements in the original list, and return them.

Let’s look at how the implementation of the algorithm works:

  • The nums undergoes sorting in descending order utilizing the sort method with the reverse=True parameter.

  • Through slicing notation nums[:k], the operation retrieves the first k elements from the sorted list.

  • These first k elements, now representing the largest values, are returned as the output.

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