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Deep Learning with JAX and Flax
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Course Introduction
About the Course
Basics of JAX
Introduction to JAX Data Types and Array
Pure Functions and Random Numbers
Array Operations
Just-in-Time Compilation
Machine Learning with JAX
Challenge: Basics of JAX
Solution: Basics of JAX
Summary: Basics of JAX
Quiz: Basics of JAX
Optimizers in JAX and Flax
Introduction to Optimizers
Adaptive Optimizers
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Challenge: Optimizers
Solution: Optimizers
Summary: Optimizers in JAX and Flax
Quiz: Optimizers
Loss and Activation Functions
Introduction to Loss Functions
Types of Loss Functions in JAX
Computing and Monitoring Loss in JAX
Activation Functions in JAX
Challenge: Loss and Activation function
Solution: Loss and Activation function
Summary: Loss and Activation Functions
Quiz: Loss and Activation Functions
Load Datasets in JAX
Preparing Text Dataset
Text Preprocessing and Sentiment Analysis
Loading Image Dataset
Challenge: Train and Test a Model
Solution: Train and Test a Model
Summary: Load Datasets in JAX
Quiz: Loading Datasets in JAX
Image Classification and Distributed Training
Image Classification with JAX and Flax
Distributed Training with JAX and Flax
Challenge: Distributed Training with JAX and Flax
Solution: Distributed Training with JAX and Flax
Summary: Image Classification and Distributed Training
Quiz: Distributed Training with JAX and Flax
TensorBoard and State Handling
Setting Up TensorBoard
How to Use TensorBoard with Flax
Track Model Training in JAX Using TensorBoard
Applying BatchNorm and DropOut Layers in JAX and Flax
Summary: TensorBoard and State Handling
Quiz: TensorBoard and State Handling
LSTM in JAX and Flax
Data Preprocessing
LSTM Model
Challenge: LSTM in JAX and Flax
Solution: LSTM in JAX and Flax
Summary: LSTM in JAX and Flax
Quiz: LSTM in JAX and Flax
Flax vs. TensorFlow
Major Functions in Flax and TensorFlow
Training model in Flax vs. TensorFlow
Summary: Flax vs. TensorFlow
Quiz: Flax vs. TensorFlow
Using ResNet Model in Flax
Training the ResNet Model
ResNet Model Definition
Transfer Learning using ResNet Model
Summary: Using ResNet Model in Flax
Quiz: Using ResNet Model in Flax
Mini Project
Transfer Learning in JAX and Flax
Wrap Up
Installing Packages
Sharing TensorBoard
Solution: Loss and Activation function
Let’s review the solution.
We'll cover the following
Solution 1: Implementation of loss functions
Solution 2: Implementation of ReLU and ELU
Solution 3: Testing activation functions
Solution 1: Implementation of loss functions
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