Creating Our Mastery Project

An introduction to our new project called Mastery, which we'll be working on for the rest of this course.


Let’s take the ideas we’ve learned and put them into practice. Throughout the rest of this course, we will build a project called Mastery that generates quizzes. As a rough rule of thumb, we’ll start by thinking about the data in the system, including custom datatypes.

Breaking our data into data structures

In our quiz project, we can have templates in various categories that create questions. For example, a template for a simple addition problem may be <%= left %> + <%= right %> with [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] being valid values for left and right. This means a quiz might generate 3 + 2 or 0 + 0.

We track the user’s responses as we ask questions, and keep generating questions until our user masters the template. Once they get three in a row right, we’ll let them move to the next category. Look at the following figure for a quick overview of the data layer:

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