Challenge: Longest Common Subsequence

In this lesson, we will look at another classic dynamic programming problem: the longest common subsequence problem.

We'll cover the following

Problem statement

Given two strings, find the length of the longest common subsequence between them. A common subsequence in a pair of strings is a sequence that follows the same order of characters, but the sequence does not necessarily have to be contiguous. For example, two strings two and too have a common subsequence of to. Even though to does not appear contiguously in two, the order of characters is still preserved, i.e., o follows t. While these strings had smaller subsequences as well, such as t and o, in the context of this problem, we are only interested in finding the length of the longest subsequence.


Your algorithm will take two strings, i.e., str1 and str2, as input. Strings can be of variable length, even empty too.

str1 = "two"
str2 = "too"


Your algorithm should return an integer representing the length of the longest common subsequence.

LCS("two", "too") = 2

Problem statement

You have already solved a similar problem of the longest common substring in the previous chapter. This problem is slightly different because we are finding subsequence instead of substring here. Think about a simple recursive solution first and then build on that to write a dynamic programming solution. Best of luck!

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