Further Improvements
In this lesson, we will determine what the parameters to Stretch.Distribution should be to get a good result.
We'll cover the following
In the previous lesson, we were attacking our final problem in computing the expected value of a function f
applied to a set of samples from a distribution p
. We discovered that we could sometimes do a “stretch and shift” of p
, and then run importance sampling on the stretched distribution; that way we are more likely to sample from “black swan” regions, and therefore the estimated expected value is more likely to be accurate.
However, determining what the parameters to Stretch.Distribution
should be to get a good result is not apparent; it seems like we’d want to do what we did: actually, look at the graphs and play around with parameters until we get something that looks right.
Automating the Process to Estimate the Expected Value
It seems like there ought to be a way to automate this process to get an accurate estimate of the expected value. Let’s take a step back and review what exactly it is we need from the helper distribution. Start with the things it must have:
- Obviously it must be a weighted distribution of doubles that we can sample from!
- That means that it must have a weight function that is always non-negative.
- And the area under its weight function must be finite, though not necessarily .
And then the things we want:
- The support of the helper distribution does not have to be exactly support of the
, but it’s nice if it is. - The helper’s weight function should be large in ranges where
f(x) * p.Weight(x)
bounds a large area, positive or negative. - And conversely, it’s helpful if the weight function is small in areas where the area is small.
Well, where is the area likely to be large? Precisely in the places where Abs(f(x) * p.Weight(x))
is large. Where is it likely to be small? Where that quantity is small… so…
why don’t we use that as the weight function for the helper distribution?
As we noted before in this course, all of these techniques require that the expected value exist. You can imagine functions where
f * p
bounds a finite area, so the expected value exists, butabs(f * p)
does not bound a finite area, and therefore is not the weight function of a distribution. This technique will probably not work well in those weird cases.
If only we had a way to turn an arbitrary function into a non-normalized distribution we could sample from… oh wait, we do.
var p = Normal.Distribution(0.75, 0.09);
Func<double, double> f = x => Atan(1000 * (x – .45)) * 20 – 31.2;
var m = Metropolis<double>.Distribution(
x => Abs(f(x) * p.Weight(x)),
x => Normal.Distribution(x, 0.15));
Let’s take a look at it:
Console.WriteLine(m.Histogram(0.3, 1));
The result:
* *******
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** *************
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***** ***********************
That sure looks like the distribution we want.
What happens if we try it as the helper distribution in importance sampling? Unfortunately, the results are not so good:
0.11, 0.14, 0.137, 0.126, 0.153, 0.094, ...
Recall that again; the correct result is . We’re getting worse results with this helper distribution than we did with the original black-swan-susceptible distribution.
It seems like the proposal distributions for the Metropolis algorithm are just as good helper distributions themselves! What this illustrates is that even with the Metropolis algorithm, there are no “magic bullet” solutions to solving sampling problems.
What specifically has gone wrong here? It seems likely that the “bimodal” nature of this particular helper distribution is a factor; we know that the Metropolis algorithm can get “stuck” in a high-probability region, and these regions contribute heavily to the computed expected value, as they were designed to.
So once again we’ve discovered that there’s some art here; this technique looks like it should work right out of the box, but when dealing with stochastic programming, you don’t always get what you expect.
Exercise: Try experimenting with different proposal distributions for the Metropolis algorithm; can you find one that gives good results?
And of course all we’ve done here is pushed the problem off a level; our problem is to find a good helper distribution for this expected value problem, but to do that with Metropolis
, we need to find a good proposal distribution for the Metropolis
algorithm to consume, so it is not clear that we’ve made much progress here. Sampling efficiently and accurately is hard!
We’ll finish up this topic with a sketch of a rather complicated algorithm called VEGAS; this is an algorithm for solving the problem “how do we generate a good helper distribution for importance sampling knowing only p
and f
The statement above is slightly misleading, but we’ll say why in the next lesson!
This technique, like quadrature, does require us to have a “range” over which we know that the bulk of the area of f(x) * p.Weight(x)
is found. Like our disappointing attempt above, the idea is to find a distribution whose weight function is large where it needs to be, and small where it is not.
The first thing we do is divide up our range of interest into some number of equally-sized subranges. On each of those subranges, we make a uniform distribution and use it to estimate the area of the function on that subrange.
How do we do that? Remember that the expected value of a function evaluated on samples drawn from a distribution is equal to the area of the function divided by the area of the distribution. We can construct a uniform distribution to have area of , so the expected value is equal to the area. But we can estimate the expected value by sampling. So we can estimate areas by sampling too! Again: things equal to the same are equal to each other; if we need to find an area, we can find it by sampling to determine an expected value.
So we estimate the expected value of a uniform distribution restricted to each sub-range. Again, here’s the function of interest, f(x) * p.Weight(x)
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