Good Questions to Ask

In this lesson, we'll go through some questions you can ask after most interviews.

We'll cover the following

Examples #

  1. What sort of tangible changes has this organization made in regards to promoting gender diversity?
  2. What are the most exciting projects you’ve worked on here?
  3. What do you like most about the organization?
  4. What would you change about the organization?
  5. How has the organization changed since you’ve joined?
  6. What do you like most about working here?
  7. Can you describe the organization’s overall management style and the type of person who usually does well here?
  8. What excites you the most about the organization’s future?
  9. If you could change one thing about the organization, what would it be?
  10. Does the organization have any traditions or rituals that you like?
  11. Where do you see the organization in three years and how would I contribute to that if I’m hired for this role?
  12. What is a challenge the organization is facing right now and how could I contribute to overcoming it?
  13. In what ways might this role change in the next year?
  14. What would the onboarding process be like for this role?
  15. What can you tell me about the position that isn’t in the job description?
  16. Do you expect to do more hiring in this group in the next six months?
  17. What surprised you about the organization after you started working here?
  18. What has allowed you to be successful here?
  19. How does the organization respond to failure?
  20. Tell me about your most successful employees. What do they do that really sets them apart?
  21. What haven’t I asked about that most candidates want to know?
  22. If you were interviewing with your organization again, what questions would you be asking?
  23. (If this is your future boss) How would you describe your management style?
  24. What’s your timeline for the next steps?
  25. Are there resources I could review in advance to get a head start on the learning curve?

If you are looking for a bolder conversational point, give this a try:

Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether or not I am a good fit for this role?

This question displays that you’re very interested in the job and committed to understanding your prospects as a candidate. Plus, it will allow you an opportunity to respond to any potential concerns.

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