
Embeddings enable the encoding of entities (e.g., words, docs, images, person, ad, etc.) in a low dimensional vector space such that it captures their semantic information. Capturing semantic information helps to identify related entities that occur close to each other in the vector space.

This representation of entities in a lower-dimensional vector space has been of massive help in various ML-based systems. The use of embeddings has seen a major increase because of the recent surge in the use of neural networks and transfer learning.

Usually, they are generated using neural networks. A neural network architectures can be set up easily to learn a dense representation of entities. We will go over a few of such architectures later in this lesson.

Transfer learning refers to transferring information from one ML task to another. Embeddings easily enable us to do that for common entities among different tasks. For example, Twitter can build an embedding for their users based on their organic feed interactions and then use the embeddings for ads serving. Organic interactions are generally much greater in volume compared to ads interactions. This allows Twitter to learn user interests by organic feed interaction, capture it as embedding, and use it to serve more relevant ads.

Another simple example is training word embeddings (like Word2vec) from Wiki data and using them as spam-filtering models.

In this lesson, we will go through some general ways of training neural networks to learn embeddings, using real-world example scenarios of their usage.

Text embeddings

We will go over two popular text term embeddings generation models and examples of their utilization in different ML systems.


Word2vec produces word embeddings by using shallow neural networks (having a single hidden layer) and self-supervised learning from a large corpus of text data. Word2vec is self-supervised as it trains a model by predicting words from other words that appear in the sentence(context). So, it can utilize tons of text data available in books, Wikipedia, blogs, etc. to learn term representation.

Representing words with a dense vector is critical for the majority of Natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Word2vec uses a simple but powerful idea to use neighboring words to predict the current word and in the process, generates word embeddings. Two networks to generate these embeddings are:

  1. CBOW: Continuous bag of words (CBOW) tries to predict the current word from its surrounding words by optimizing for following loss function:

Loss=Loss = log-log (p(wtw_{t}|wtnw_{t-n},…,wt1w_{t-1}, wt+1w_{t+1}, wt+nw_{t+n}))

where nn is the size of our window to look for the corresponding word. It uses the entire contextual information as one observation while training the network. Utilizing the overall context information to predict one term helps generate embeddings with the smaller training dataset. The architecture would look like the following:

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