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The official documentation of the AtomicReferenceArray states that it is an array of object references, that each one, may be updated atomically. However, it is easy to get confused with all the other array constructs and AtomicReferenceArray, so we’ll go through one by one to clarify the differences. Also, according to the Java specification, assignments in Java except for primitive types long and double are atomic, which may confuse the reader as to what does atomically updating an element of an AtomicReferenceArray instance means?

Remember to draw a distinction between assignment and update of an atomic variable. Assignment involves changing the reference (memory location) pointed to by an atomic variable e.g.

        // first assignment
        AtomicReference<Object> atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(null);

        // assigning a different AtomicReference object
        atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(Long.class);

Updating atomically, implies that the value of an atomic variable holds is changed based on an expected value the variable currently holds e.g.

        // first assignment
        AtomicReference<Object> atomicReference = new AtomicReference<>(null);

        // atomic update
        atomicReference.compareAndSet(null, Long.class);

The atomic update has consequences for memory visibility and establishes the happens-before relationship as we’ll learn shortly. In contrast, an assignment operation may not establish a happens-before relationship if the variable isn’t marked volatile.

Array Reference

First up, we’ll discuss what is an array reference. There is a distinction between an array reference and the elements of the array. Array is a sequence of values and the values are the elements of the array, all of the same type. The array is created using the new operator as shown below:

Long[] myLongs = new Long[10];

The new operator, allocates memory on the heap for the array and returns the address of the memory allocation into the variable myLongs. The variable myLongs isn’t the array; rather the variable holds the address of the memory location where the elements of the array live. The memory location’s address is stored in the variable myLongs and the variable myLongs is said to be a reference to the array.

This distinction between array reference and the array is important because one could update the array reference in a thread-safe manner but the elements of the array may still be updated in a thread-unsafe manner. Consider the following methods:

Long[] myLongs = new Long[10];

// method is thread-safe
void increaseArraySize() {
   synchronized (this) {
       Long[] newArray = new Long[myLongs.length * 2];

       // copy old array elements into new array
       for (int i = 0; i < myLongs.length; i++)
           newArray[i] = myLongs[i];

       // update the reference
       myLongs = newArray;

// method isn't thread-safe
void set(int index, Long newVal) {
   myLongs[index] = newVal;

Note that the array reference is being manipulated in a thread-safe manner but the elements of the array are not.

Difference between array and volatile array

Another source of confusion is the following snippet:

Long[] myLongs = new Long[10];
volatile Long[] volatileMyLongs = new Long[10];

The reference myLongs is prone to getting cached by a processor whereas the reference volatileMyLongs is always read and written from main memory. However, the elements for both the arrays can get cached by a processor and multiple threads working on the array without appropriate synchronization constructs can see stale values for array elements in addition to thread-safety issues. Going back to our example, let’s say we modify the increaseArraySize() method as follows:

void increaseArraySize() {
   Long[] newArray = new Long[myLongs.length * 2];

   // copy old array elements into new array
   for (int i = 0; i < myLongs.length; i++)
       newArray[i] = myLongs[i];

   // update the reference
   myLongs = newArray;

If only the main thread ever invokes the increaseArraySize() method, then to avoid the locking overhead, we may remove the synchronized block from the method. However, without marking newLongs as volatile, it could happen that the main thread creates a new array and updates the address in the local cache and never in the main memory. Consequently, other threads never see the new array and keep working on the old one. It could also happen that other threads have the reference cached and never retrieve the latest reference from the main memory since myLongs isn’t marked volatile. Either way, marking the reference i.e. the variable myLongs volatile solves the memory visibility issue. However, marking myLongs as volatile has no effect on the array elements. Consider a thread that executes the following snippet:

Long cachedObject = myLongs[0];

The Long object at zero-th index isn’t volatile and will suffer from memory visibility issues caused by caching, even though the reference to the array has been marked volatile.

Also, bear in mind that volatileMyLongs reference is volatile, and volatileMyLongs is NOT an array of volatile Long objects.

Difference between volatile array and AtomicReferenceArray

The next question we’ll address is the difference among the three statements in the following snippet:

volatile Long[] volatileMyLongs = new Long[10];
AtomicReferenceArray<Long> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(10);
volatile AtomicReferenceArray volatileAtomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray(10);

The reference volatileMyLongs is volatile but the reference atomicReferenceArray, which points to an object of type AtomicReferenceArray on the heap isn’t. The elements of both the arrays can be updated atomically, since they are references and the Java specification mandates atomic assignments for references. However, the array elements of volatileMyLongs can suffer from memory visibility issues such as being cached in the processor’s local memory and any updates to them will not establish the happens-before relationship with other variables observable to a thread. In the case of the atomicReferenceArray variable, the individual elements at each index are always updated in the main memory and a stale value is never observed by any thread. Furthermore, manipulating a single element of atomicReferenceArray also establishes the happens-before relationship with other variables in the scope.

The variable volatileAtomicReferenceArray reference, itself and its array elements don’t suffer from memory visibility issues. If the reference is updated after initialization using the following snippet, the change will be visible to all threads:

 volatileAtomicReferenceArray = newReference;

A similar update as above to atomicReferenceArray variable can potentially be cached and not observable by all threads without using synchronization constructs.

Difference between AtomicReferenceArray and array of AtomicReference-s

The astute reader would question the difference between instanting an array of AtomicReference-s vs instantiating an object of AtomicReferenceArray. Consider the following snippet:

        AtomicReferenceArray<Long> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<Long>(100);
        AtomicReference[] arrayOfAtomicReferences = new AtomicReference[100];

Functionally, the above two are equivalent, however, the instance of AtomicReferenceArray occupies less memory than an array of AtomicReference-s of equivalent size. The memory saving can become significant when the size of the array is in the thousands or millions.

Summary of differences

Snippet Is reference assignment atomic? Is update atomic? Reference update establishes happens-before relationship? Element update establishes happens-before relationship
Long[] myLongs = new Long[10]; Yes No No No
volatile Long[] volatileMyLongs = new Long[10]; Yes No Yes No
AtomicReferenceArray<Long> atomicReferenceArray Yes Yes No Yes
volatile AtomicReferenceArray volatileAtomicReferenceArray Yes Yes Yes Yes


In the example below, we create an instance of AtomicReferenceArray<Long> typed on the Long class. Next, we run fifteen threads and each one of them attempts to initialize each element of the array with a Long object. The reference of the Long object is stored in the array element. No matter how many times we run the program, each element of the array should only be initialized by one thread.

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