Kafka MirrorMaker

Learn how MirrorMaker can be used to keep Kafka clusters synchronized.


MirrorMaker is a powerful tool designed to enable reliable data replication and synchronization between Kafka clusters. It provides a scalable and fault-tolerant distributed architecture that can handle large-scale data replication requirements efficiently. MirrorMaker can be used to facilitate various data integration scenarios, including cloud migration, disaster recovery, and workload separation.

Key use cases for MirrorMaker

Let’s explore some of the key scenarios where MirrorMaker is useful:

  • Cloud migration or hybrid architectures: MirrorMaker enables data replication between Kafka clusters across different cloud providers. For use cases that require a hybrid architecture, MirrorMaker is also used to migrate data from on-prem Kafka clusters to the cloud. It helps with scalability, cost-effectiveness, and, more importantly, maintaining data consistency and minimizing downtime during migration.

  • Geo-replication: MirrorMaker can replicate data across Kafka clusters in different world regions. By doing so, we bring the data closer to the users and significantly reduce data access latency and network costs, while ensuring optimal throughput and a better user experience.

  • DR (disaster recovery) requirements: It is critical to any data infrastructure. MirrorMaker proves invaluable in this context by providing an effective solution for mitigating risks and ensuring business continuity. Organizations can create a reliable backup system by replicating data to a secondary Kafka cluster located in a different data center. In the event of a failure or disaster, they can seamlessly switch clients to the secondary cluster, minimizing service interruptions and data loss.

  • Separating workloads: Often, different workloads require dedicated Kafka clusters to optimize performance and resource utilization. MirrorMaker enables data replication between Kafka clusters, each supporting a distinct workload. For example, we may replicate data from one Kafka cluster to a separate analytics cluster, allowing data analysts to perform complex analytics tasks without impacting the performance of the source cluster and the applications/workloads dependent on it.

MirrorMaker 2.0

To address some of the limitations of the initial MirrorMaker release, MirrorMaker 2.0 (also known as MM2) was introduced as a successor. It takes advantage of the Kafka Connect framework to enhance the overall replication process.

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