Characterizing Strongly Connected Components

Learn how the notion of strongly connected components of a digraph signifies a stronger sense of being connected.

We’ll be covering two applications of depth-first search for finding structures that we refer to as the strongly connected components of digraphs. In this lesson, we cover some prerequisite material for these algorithms.

Connectedness in digraphs

The components of a graph embody the essence of connectedness, where every vertex of a component is reachable from every other vertex of that component through some path. In digraphs, the notion of being connected is more nuanced. There could be a path leading from a vertex v1v_1 to a vertex v2v_2, and yet v1v_1 could be unreachable from v2v_2.

See, for example, how there’s a path from v1v_1 to v3v_3 in the following digraph but none from v3v_3 to v1v_1.

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