Python materials

-   The official Python tutorial (for [Python 2]( and [Python 3]( Moves a little quickly, but is very comprehensive and thorough.

-   [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](

-   [Dive into Python 3]( An accelerated introduction to Python. 

-   [Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame]( 

-   [The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python]( 

-   [pycrumbs]( A huge list of many useful articles, tutorials, and snippits on Python, ranging from basic to        advanced.

-   [PyMOTW]( A tour of the Python standard library
    through short examples.
-   [Import Python]( A catalog of Python books (some are free)
  • Exercises:

    • Pyschools Exercises and challenges in Python.

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