Cross Origin Resource Sharing

In this lesson, we'll look at cross origin resource sharing.

Same origin requests

On the browser HTTP requests can only be triggered across the same origin through JavaScript. Simply put, an AJAX request from can only connect to

This is because your browser contains useful information for an attacker, cookies, which are generally used to keep track of the user’s session. Imagine if an attacker would set up a malicious page at that immediately triggers an AJAX request to If you’re logged in on the bank’s website, the attacker would then be able to execute HTTP requests with your credentials, potentially stealing your information or, worse, wiping your bank account out.

Cross origin resource sharing directives

There might be some cases, though, that require you to execute cross-origin AJAX requests, and that is why browsers implement Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), a set of directives that allow you to execute cross-domain requests.

The mechanics behind CORS are quite complex, and it wouldn’t be practical for us to go over the whole specification, so I am going to focus on a stripped down version of CORS. All you need to know for now is that by using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, your application tells the browser that it’s ok to receive requests from other origins.

The most relaxed form of this header is Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, which allows any origin to access our application, but we can restrict it by simply adding the URL we want to whitelist with Access-Control-Allow-Origin:


If we take a look at the example at we can clearly see how the browser prevents access to a resource on a separate origin. I have set up the example to make an AJAX request from wasec.local to sub.wasec.local, and print the result of the operation to the browser. When the server behind sub.wasec.local is instructed to use CORS, the page works as you would expect. Try navigating to http://wasec.local:7888/?cors=on.

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