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Create a Custom Reinforcement Learning Environment

In this project, we’ll learn how to create a custom reinforcement learning environment from scratch for a gridworld and a shower system.

Create a Custom Reinforcement Learning Environment

You will learn to:

Develop custom Gymnasium environments.

Integrate reinforcement learning algorithms in custom environments.

Train the REINFORCE agents.

Visualize the agents’ learning curve.


Python Programming

Reinforcement Learning

Object Oriented Programming


Familiarity with object-oriented programming in Python

Basic understanding of reinforcement learning

Knowledge of machine learning



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Project Description

In many reinforcement learning projects online, the environment is already created, and we only train the agents in those environments. However, in the real world, we must create an environment customized for our application.

In this project, we will learn how to create two custom reinforcement learning environments: one for training an agent to navigate a gridworld and the other for obtaining optimal temperature in a shower system. We will use the Gymnasium and Matplotlib libraries to tackle such a real problem and create a reinforcement learning environment step by step to solve it.

Project Tasks


Gridworld Environment

Task 0: Introduction

Task 1: Develop the Environment Class

Task 2: Develop the init() and reset() Methods

Task 3: Develop the step() Method: Change Agent’s State

Task 4: Develop the step() Method: Reward and Termination

Task 5: Train the Agent


Shower Environment

Task 6: Develop the Shower Environment Class

Task 7: Develop the init() and reset() Methods

Task 8: Develop the step() Method: Change the Agent's State

Task 9: Develop the step() Method: Reward and Termination

Task 10: Train the Agent


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