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Spring Boot and Thymeleaf Tutorial: Build a Recipe Sharing App

In this project, we’ll create a recipe sharing application using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. We’ll use fragments to style the frontend of the application.

Spring Boot and Thymeleaf Tutorial: Build a Recipe Sharing App

You will learn to:

Write the Java code for a Spring Boot application.

Create templates using Thymeleaf.

Structure your Spring Boot project.

Create fragments in Thymeleaf.




API Development


Advanced knowledge of Java

Advanced knowledge of HTML

Intermediate knowledge of MySQL

Basic knowledge of Thymeleaf




Spring Boot

Project Description

In this project, we’ll create an application to create, share, and edit recipes. The technologies that will be used to create this project are Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, and MySQL. We’ll also add different user roles, defining their capacities and limiting their functions. The project will mainly focus on the fragments in Thymeleaf.

The project will implement controllers for the Spring Boot application, and as we proceed, we’ll implement complex Thymeleaf templates to ensure coverage of all concepts. The project will also implement services in the Spring Boot application and further link the templates with the Spring Boot application.

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started


Spring Boot Backend

Task 1: Create the Home Controller

Task 2: Create the Recipe Form Controller

Task 3: Create a User Detail Service


Thymeleaf Templates and Fragments

Task 4: Create a Custom Template

Task 5: Create the Menu Fragment

Task 6: Create Some Templates

Task 7: Create a Recipe List Fragment

Task 8: Display the Recipes Dynamically

Task 9: Create a User Details Template

Task 10: Create a User Registration Form

Task 11: Enhance the Admin Panel

Task 12: Edit the User Profile Functionality


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