Solution Review: Implementing Dijkstra's

In this lesson, we'll look at a way to implement Dijkstra's Algorithm.

Solution #1: Calculating All Paths

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def Dijkstra(graph, src, dst):
number_of_nodes = len(graph[0]) # Number of nodes in the graph
parent = [-1] * number_of_nodes # Setting up various lists
visited = []
unvisited = [i for i in range(number_of_nodes)]
distance = [16] * number_of_nodes # The distance list initially has a distance of infinite for all but the source node
distance[src] = 0
shortest_path = [] # This list will have the shortest path at the end
current = src # We start with the source
# Visit all neighbors of current and update distance
for i in range(number_of_nodes):
if(graph[current][i]>=0 and distance[i] > graph[current][i]+distance[current]):
distance[i] = graph[current][i]+distance[current] # Update distance
parent[i] = current # Set new parent
unvisited.remove(current) # Move current node from unvisited to visted
if(len(unvisited) != 0):
current = unvisited[0] # New current node is an unvisited node with the smallest 'distance'
for n in unvisited:
if(distance[n] < distance[current]):
current = n
curr = dst # Some code to get the shortest path from 'parent'
cost = 0
while curr is not src:
if parent[curr] == -1: # If there is no path to the source node
cost = cost + graph[curr][parent[curr]] # The cost is the sum of the links in a path
curr = parent[curr]
return([shortest_path, cost])
def main():
graph = [
src = 0
dst = 3
if __name__ == "__main__":


Let’s go through this code line by line.

  • Lines 1-9: we set up a few variables that are important for the implementation.
    1. The number_of_nodes is the number of nodes in the graph. It’s equivalent to the number of rows/columns of the given graph. This variable is not necessary for the algorithm itself, but makes calculating other variables clear and easy.
    2. The parent list will map each node to its ‘parent’ or the previous node in the shortest path to the source node. Initialized to -1.
    3. The visited list is initially empty.
    4. The unvisited list contains all the nodes in the graph. Since the nodes in our graph are labeled by numbers, this list is simple to generate.
    5. The distance list has all the current distances of all the nodes from the src node. Note that all the distances besides the distance of the src node from itself are set to infinity, i.e., 16.
    6. The shortest_path is initialized to an empty list.
    7. The current node is set to the src node since we are calculating the shortest paths from src to the rest of the nodes.
  • Lines 11-24: The while loop.
    1. We iterate through all of the neighbors of every current node.
    2. If the current distance for a node is greater than the distance of the current node + the cost of the link between them, its distance is updated and its parent is changed to current.
    3. Once all of the neighbors of a node have been exhausted, the next current node is chosen to be an unvisited node with the smallest distance.
    4. Steps 1-3 are repeated until the while loop exits when no more nodes are left to visit.
  • Lines 26-34: Calculating the shortest path and the cost. We traverse the parent list link by link until a path is generated. Since we start from the destination, the path has to be reversed. While we calculate the path, we also sum up the cost of each link that is traversed.
    • Example: Assume the source node is 0. IF parent[2] has the value 1, the previous node from 2 is 1 as part of the shortest path to a source. Then, suppose parent[1] is 0. So the shortest path will turn out to be [2, 1, 0].

Solution #2: Stopping When Route to dst is Calculated

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def Dijkstra(graph, src, dst):
number_of_nodes = len(graph[0]) # Number of nodes in the graph
parent = [-1] * number_of_nodes # Setting up various lists
visited = []
unvisited = [i for i in range(number_of_nodes)]
distance = [16] * number_of_nodes # The distance list initially has a distance of infinite for all but the source node
distance[src] = 0
shortest_path = [] # This list will have the shortest path at the end
current = src # We start with the source
# Visit all neighbors of current and update distance
for i in range(number_of_nodes):
if(graph[current][i]>=0 and distance[i] > graph[current][i]+distance[current]):
distance[i] = graph[current][i]+distance[current] # Update distance
parent[i] = current # Set new parent
if(current == dst):
unvisited.remove(current) # Move current node from unvisited to visted
if(len(unvisited) != 0):
current = unvisited[0] # New current node is an unvisited node with the smallest 'distance'
for n in unvisited:
if(distance[n] < distance[current]):
current = n
curr = dst # Some code to get the shortest path from 'parent'
cost = 0
while curr is not src:
if parent[curr] == -1: # If there is no path to the source node
cost = cost + graph[curr][parent[curr]] # The cost is the sum of the links in a path
curr = parent[curr]
return([shortest_path, cost])
def main():
graph = [
src = 0
dst = 3
if __name__ == "__main__":


This solution differs from the previous one because it exits the while loop as soon as the destination node is visited via the if condition on lines 18 and 19. Since subsequent calculations for the rest of the graph do not change the shortest path to the destination node, there is no need to visit all of them.

In the next lesson, we’ll learn about the Internet protocol!

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